Rev abs

Discofever Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone have an opinion of this or done this before?

I'm a p90x grad of 2 rounds, but I want to focus on my abs with a goal of a six pack. I know the diet is 90% of it, but how is Rev Abs? I've heard its a lower intensity than p90x so it might be "easy" for me, but it focuses on abs, so I feel like its the perfect workout even if its at a lower intensity than I've been doing.


  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Great job doing P90X 2 times. My husband and I are on our 3rd round as well and I am still striving for my 6 pack. Diet is a big part of it! I know that I will see it only when I get my body fat under 20% - I'm almost there! I haven't done RevAbs, but I wouldn't be worried about it being a lower intensity. I thought I might not get a good workout from Slim in 6 or Power 90 when I started those with my Fit Club, but I still break a sweat and get a great workout. It all depends on what you put into it - you can always go deeper, faster, or longer doing the moves. :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    As you say diet is the major part with getting a six pack. I liked the ab ripper workout in P90x but I also do a lot of heavier stuff that isn't as much of a cardio workout do actually build them up. Check out a few of the exercises here for examples :)
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Rev Abs is definitely an easier program overall. In addition, you may feel that without the strength training component, you may lose some of the lean muscle mass you worked so hard to get in the first place.

    You are right that abs are made in the kitchen. You honestly won't even start seeing your abs until you're down to a certain body fat percentage. I'm sure they're there, they're just currently covered. You have to work on learning out more.

    One thing that I did after my 2nd round of P90X is incorporate the P90X+ workouts. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Abs/Core+ workout because it targets your abs in 4 different ways...hanging, standing, in plank, and on your back.
  • Im doing Rev abs now. I havent lost much being im just going into my 2 week. But it does work your abs good but it all works with strength training. The first 45 day workouts are Total Strength, Mercy Abs, Fire up your abs, and Power Intervals 1. I like this workout I break a good sweat doing it but its all how much you put into it.
  • borys12
    borys12 Posts: 98

    I am after 10 days of Rev Abs. It's just what I was looking for, strength mixed with HIIT cardio. My weight didn't change a lot ,
    but I can feel small changes already. Power intervals burnt 450 kcal, what is enough for 30 min workout.
    Additionally I do cardio in a gym 3/4 times per week. Anyway, how can you summarize your finished Rev Abs ?
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