Weight Gain Worry

I have constant everyday worry of gaining weight and i am genuinley believing i am over weight even though i am not if that makes sense! I am currentley 8 stone 11lbs and 5ft 3 so far from over weight! However after suffering a very abusive relationship being bullied about my weight a lot which before i was in i weighed 12 stone 6lbs i now constantly feel i am overweight still despite being over 3 stone lighter!

My lowest weight has been 8 stone 4lbs in October 2013 however the Christmas period i put on pounds which has returned me to my weight now of 8stone 11lbs!
My constant worry of gaining weight leads me to badly restrict calories some days to less than 800kcal then end up binge eating 2 days a week due to feelings i have starved myself of the food i enjoy! i then feel guilty for days about the binge but end up repeating the cycle again and feeling crap all the time!
The binge eating problems have only happened since i put on a few extra pounds at christmas and before this i would eat normal everyday, indulge in a chocolate bar if i fancied one but i just cant break from this habit now and feeling food such as chocolate is a sin! Even at family meals i will refuse a treat, won't pick the meal i want on a restraunt menu as it has 1000kcal this has never been me before!

Any advice on how to break this cycle?
