Weight Loss and Menopause

Surgically launched into menopause 15 months ago. Wondering if other women using this application are in the same situation and can provide any insights on exercise and eating habits that are successful for losing weight. I have been working out and have not had any success taking off pounds.


  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I don't have any experience of this but I am sure someone will be along soon who does! I just wanted to wish you luck on your journey xxx
  • jeanineadele
    I'm 54 and although I'm not an expert I can relate my experience. I was stuck for about 2 months without losing any weight. I got lost in the very hilly woods for 3 hours about 5 weeks ago. By the time I got back to my car I could barely walk but the next day I realized that if I had the ability to walk 3 hours then I could push myself a lot harder with my walking. I started walking 2 hours about 4 or 5 times a week. Although my calories still range in the 1,599 to 2000 a day range I have lost a steady 2 to 3 pounds a weeks since I started this routine.

    Another thing that helped me is my family is also on this site and we weigh in once a week. Knowing I will be part of a family weigh in helps me want to make sure I have some loss to contribute to the collective total.

    I was comitted here for two months but I really didn't lose weight till I got SERIOUS walking in.
  • 3110cynthia
    I started menopause about 2 yrs ago and i'm quite certain that before i'd have lost a lot of weight quicker than i am now - ie: i've lost 12 lbs in about 45 days and i weighed 222 (210 now) and surely i would have just kicked off that 20 lbs in a month 10 yrs ago - when i started this i was so disappointed that i lost so slowly - and i know it's age - oh well - still if you keep at it - burn more cal.s than you take in - you will lose

    I eat a normal breakfast - oatmeal or something
    what has helped me alot is drinking smoothies - not the kind you buy at jamba juice but the real thing : spinach, kale, acoccado, celery, oranges, apple, bananas, berries, oj concentrate for sugar (or honey if you must) ginger sometimes - anyway some conmbination of both fruit and vegi plus 2 cups water - ends up being an enormous shake(they aklway taste like fruit - no worries) - (funny looking too) but it takes all day to drink and you're stuffed by the time you're done and you'll have only consumed like 300 cal.,s and you feel so healthy you could explode with energy
    Then all you have to do is worry about is dinner and TaDa you're finished for the day - woo hoo

    good luch to you