
Hi everyone im new to the site which was recommended on a different site by some friends hopefully this site is gonna help me with my weight loss an fitness plan :smile: x


  • gemzy24
    gemzy24 Posts: 126 Member
    HI babycham welcome i was new from last week also from the site your from, Im finding this site extremely helpful and its managing to keep me grounded, i lost 3lb this week where every other week for the last 6 have been 1lb here and there im putting this down to keeping a diary of what i eat seeing those numbers really helps and if im over it makes me want to work out, i hope this site helps you as much as it is helping me and there are plenty of nice people on here going through the same thing and all have very good helpful tips Good Luck on your journey xxx
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi to both of you and welcome to a great place