Ladies what do you do that time of the month?



  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    It's that time right now!

    I had an endometrial ablation last year as I had very heavy bleeding and a short cycle due to Von Willebrands bleeding disorder, I'd have to double up with a tampon/mooncup AND a towel as I could leak in about an hour even with a heavy one- going to the gym would have been unthinkable. My blood loss after the op is now normal, and I now just use a tampon or cup and go exercise like those annoying girls in the tampon ads, lol. I'm so glad I had the op as it's made a massive difference to my quality of life at that time of month.

    If your periods are very heavy and interfering with your life see a doctor as there may be an underlying cause and things they can do to improve it for you.

    Re chocolate cravings I go for high cocoa content dark chocolate or cacao as it's high in the good stuff your body's craving and fairly low calorie. I had the remainder of a Montezuma easter egg today wiith an Americano as a snack and a Pulsin' raw choc brownie bar for breakfast. HTH x
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    I listen to my body which for me is important. The few days leading up, I tend to be super hungry, I allow myself to eat a little more so that I am not as likely to binge on a craving. If I am tired instead of a strenuous workout, I'll take a long walk, it's movement, and it reduces my stress. Sure I will not burn as many calories but knowing I did something makes me feel better, but I don't overtax myself either.
  • anniep1991
    We all go through it however I do agree with the lady that said no excuses. I normally go to the gym as usual and do my classes but I will submit to one small craving like a bag of crisps or a small chocolate bar (I don't go mad) because I know if I didn't I would go AWOL and eat anything and everything in sight lol! Before I started dieting I would literally eat a family size pack of crisps and chocolate as well as loafs of bread and pasta etc. We are all human, we all get cravings and we all feel like poop sometimes and we all deal with it differently. I'm not saying follow in my footsteps because maybe I'm doing it wrong by submitting but it does help me :-)
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Yeah I hate 'the curse'.
    I feel bloated, in pain, and I tend to go the opposite by not eating a lot.
    I feel sorry for the gals who feel sexually inactive during their 'curse' :frown:
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    i always wondered what other people do too.
    i struggle with cravings. i give in sometimes.. i just do the best i can even tho i just want to sit with a tub of ice cream and a spoon and watch tv. pastry is my down fall so i try not to keep too many unhealthy snacks around the house. i have found my self standing in the kitchen with a jar of PB and using a butter knife smearing in on a banana before every bite i take LOL.
    i forced myself to workout last month. i only did half my workout before giving in to fatigue and cramps.
    lets just say when weigh in came around the following week, i was shocked i didnt gain ;)
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    I usually just give into the cravings, and work out a little harder to compensate. If I keep denying myself what I want, when I do eat a meal, I might just explode and eat everything in sight.
  • TAGipson
    TAGipson Posts: 2 Member
    Usually, I take that special time of the month as a week off from exercising. I've read blogs that say exercising helps ease period symptoms but not for me, it's uncomfortable and usually I just can't muster up the strength. Knowing that I don't work out that week I try to be easy on my diet - stick to what I'm suppose to - I mostly get chocolate cravings, so if I have to have chocolate I'll stick to the recommended serving - a smoothie, or a couple peanut butter crackers just something to make the craving go away. I don't have to tell any of you ladies this but every month is different sometimes you feel like running the race other times you just wanna chill in your sweats with a tub of ice cream lol, such fun being a girl :-)
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    We all go through it however I do agree with the lady that said no excuses. I normally go to the gym as usual and do my classes but I will submit to one small craving like a bag of crisps or a small chocolate bar (I don't go mad) because I know if I didn't I would go AWOL and eat anything and everything in sight lol! Before I started dieting I would literally eat a family size pack of crisps and chocolate as well as loafs of bread and pasta etc. We are all human, we all get cravings and we all feel like poop sometimes and we all deal with it differently. I'm not saying follow in my footsteps because maybe I'm doing it wrong by submitting but it does help me :-)

    We all deal differently because our periods affect us all differently. Those who say "No excuses" probably don't feel as much pain as others do. As a teen, physical activity made my cramping ten times worse. Thanks to an endometrial ablation, my period is not nearly as bad anymore. Since I've experienced hell week before though, I have a lot more sympathy for those who simply cannot push past it as others think they should.

    That was not a rant at the poster I quoted, though. This subject just comes up a LOT, and I hate to see women painted as weaker or wimpier because they say they can't go about life as normal for a few days a month.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I have read (Don't quote me) That your body burns more calories in the few days before and during TOM. I usually try to eat something low cal/high protein like a boiled egg or something. It helps me
  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member

    We all deal differently because our periods affect us all differently. Those who say "No excuses" probably don't feel as much pain as others do. As a teen, physical activity made my cramping ten times worse. Thanks to an endometrial ablation, my period is not nearly as bad anymore. Since I've experienced hell week before though, I have a lot more sympathy for those who simply cannot push past it as others think they should.

    That was not a rant at the poster I quoted, though. This subject just comes up a LOT, and I hate to see women painted as weaker or wimpier because they say they can't go about life as normal for a few days a month.
    Couldn't agree with you more! As I said in my earlier post, my own endometrial ablation and normal periods I now have as opposed to the uber heavy ones I had before massively changed my quality of life.
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    suck it up buttercup.. this too shall pass!!!!! and think of how much better off you will feel if you just drink water and workout rather than give into those craving!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I do like the lady quoted, below. But I used to have fantastically light times, now fantastically heavy and crampy times with even more bloating and quite severe fatigue some days. For the most part I just continue on. but some times I dial it back, and then dial back the food so I don't overeat for activity. But there is room for chocolate, or salty things. I'm not a martyr! Being good to myself is just more carefully not about stuffing my face these days. It's too hard to get back off.
    I still do my steps and workouts, regardless of TOM. I think most people want to eat more during their time. It's one of those nature things that we have trouble overcoming. I just try to remember that every extra calorie I eat will end up being pounds that take longer to lose. I've spent my life losing the same 50 pounds over and over and over again. Those 50 pounds are dead any buried now. I'm not going to let my period derail my efforts. That being said, if I have a chocolate craving, nothing else is going to satisfy me. Instead of eating 10 things to try not to eat the chocolate, I just eat the dang chocolate. In the long run, it's going to save me calories. Half a candy bar is about 150 calories. I can fit that into my day if I choose.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    I have to say that I'm really surprised how much people FIGHT it. Just be sure you workout every day during your period to keep your mood and energy good and eat something. It's not like you want to eat a million calories for a week. I'm pretty sure most of us have one or two days when we are super hungry so just eat something and make sure it's not completely out of control. Why fight your body? The hungry day precedes it for me so I know when it's coming. I'm also really tired the first day so I go to bed early - using the same 'don't fight it' logic I don't force myself to stay up a few extra hours when I'm tired for no solid reason.

    And I'm pretty sure the woman who does yoga and eats a banana with cocoa has no idea what cramps and hunger and crazy periods are like so everyone be nice to her and don't laugh at that one. I could only wish it was that easy ever month. Everyone has different levels of hormone swings.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    We all go through it however I do agree with the lady that said no excuses. I normally go to the gym as usual and do my classes but I will submit to one small craving like a bag of crisps or a small chocolate bar (I don't go mad) because I know if I didn't I would go AWOL and eat anything and everything in sight lol! Before I started dieting I would literally eat a family size pack of crisps and chocolate as well as loafs of bread and pasta etc. We are all human, we all get cravings and we all feel like poop sometimes and we all deal with it differently. I'm not saying follow in my footsteps because maybe I'm doing it wrong by submitting but it does help me :-)

    We all deal differently because our periods affect us all differently. Those who say "No excuses" probably don't feel as much pain as others do. As a teen, physical activity made my cramping ten times worse. Thanks to an endometrial ablation, my period is not nearly as bad anymore. Since I've experienced hell week before though, I have a lot more sympathy for those who simply cannot push past it as others think they should.

    That was not a rant at the poster I quoted, though. This subject just comes up a LOT, and I hate to see women painted as weaker or wimpier because they say they can't go about life as normal for a few days a month.

    I'm a no excuses person. I also have Stage 3 Endometriosis and some days standing up puts me in tears. So I can highly dispute your analogy on we don't feel as much pain. Some just refuse to let something they've been dealing with for 20+ yrs to hold them back. I don't consider anyone who rests weaker than another. However, there are many who use this as an excuse for way too much.
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    suck it up buttercup.. this too shall pass!!!!! and think of how much better off you will feel if you just drink water and workout rather than give into those craving!

    This is how I used to think. I thought that women who claimed they "couldn't function" or do anything during their periods were just lazy, whiny, and looking for an excuse. Maybe it was karma, I don't know, but after having some "not-so-nice" tests done to find out why we haven't been able to conceive, I was blessed with cramps from Hell! I have a high pain tolerance, and when these cramps would come, I would get sharp stabbing pains that would sometimes take my breath away, and make me nauseous. I missed work because of it and at times couldn't even walk without dropping from the pain. I finally got in to a good doctor, and he gave me prescription pain killers which are the only thing that help. I started seeing a lady who does reflexology and metomorphic, and that has helped immensely! Now, I usually only have to take the pain killers for one day.
  • shantz85
    shantz85 Posts: 41
    I am sooooo terrible! No matter what I do I crave chocolate & sugar soooo bad! I can't control myself either. I just ended last week & totally threw my eating habits off cuz I ate junk for days! It sux trying to get back on track!! Damn you period! Girls only have about 1 week of normalcy in a month (the week before/after & during your period are trash) grrrr
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    "The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!"

    I am sorry I couldn't resist.

    It depends on the TOM. There are months it barely affects me. I might notice a slight craving for sweet things, other times I'm so hungry I can eat everything in sight. There are other months it makes me feels sick so I don't eat at all and then there's the really bad one's that mean I curl up into a ball and want to die. I just tend to roll with whatever comes along.
    It's part of being me. Whatever I do, it was the right decision at that time.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Usually just try to be thankful because it's better than the alternative (not getting my period). Unless it's one of the 6 or so months out of the year when I also get a migraine along with my period, in which case I just take drugs and try not to kill my BF.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    keep calm and lift on.

    Exercise helps with cramping etc.

    The bloat etc doesn't stop's just there...however I don't step on the scale...

    I am one of those women who have missed work due to them (not now on depo) but I just dealt with it. Took advil for pain, hot baths for cramping/heating pad if exercise didn't work.

    As for the eating I eat chocolate every night anyway so I just keep on...salt etc..yah I crave that too so I add it in.

    I ate my reasonable was usually red meat...from low iron (yah mine were that bad) which means low I countered it and did what I had to do.
  • jennalennafur
    jennalennafur Posts: 80 Member
    I don't get cravings luckily. I just get really crampy and want to punch everyone for a day or two. :P Hot tea and a good movie are my go to remedies.