Recommiting to MFP

In the hope of successfully recommiting to MFP from today, I started writing my first ever blog post. As someone who has always been very shy about talking about how I feel, this was both very embarrassing and massively liberating. I've had private profiles on here in the past, but the crucial difference this time is that I am ready to embrace the social side of the website, and all the support/advice I now realise I should take. I'm tired of trying to do this alone.

I'm 5ft, 21 years old and I think I have a binging problem. As a young teen, I had anorexia and I am so angry that I my irrational relationship with food has potentially manifested itself yet again in another damaging eating disorder. It is getting to the stage where I am putting on weight because of this.

I'm currently studying on a year abroad - being away from home in a country where the native language is not my own means seeking help is difficult. Exams are coming up, as well as lots of travelling friends. Both of these factors (one good, and one bad!) pose some very challenging situations in terms of eating, [although I'm actually really enjoying my year overall!]

There are times when I think my binging habit is not really serious, but as it gets more frequent I get increasingly worried. I am petrified to tell my family considering what I put them through with my eating problems in the past, especially since I am living in a different country at the moment.

My year abroad finishes in 7 weeks. In this time, I am going to try get a grip of myself. I know that I need to nurture both my body and mind and kick this unhealthy behaviour. If I still feel this way afterwards, I will seek help when I return to England. Until then, I am looking to add friends on here to lend support, and for me to support them back. Any advice on what I have said is appreciated! THANKS.


  • Daniellev2
    Daniellev2 Posts: 25 Member
    First off, kudos for sharing. It's takes a lot of courage to do that when you are shy. I know, because I am the same way. Don't internalize your struggle. If there is someone close to you that you trust, I'd advise mentioning it. If you don't feel comfortable telling someone close to you, see if you can go through the student union where you are in school to find a counselor. I did this through my school, and it cost me nothing. Speaking about something that bothers us, exposes it. When it is exposed , it becomes easier to find resolve and deal with it head on. I wouldn't tell you this, If I had not just experienced it. It's not an easy process to open up and talk more, but I've found it's so worth it. I hope this helped... :)
  • abaumann123
    I was a little shy myself at first. But I found that the more I involve myself and try to contribute the easier it is and the support here is just awesome!!

    I can only hope that you can get your eating disorder under control and things go smoothly for you.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like and I will support in any way I can.