Too much sugar?

20yrs old.
175 pounds
1200 calorie daily limit
Exercise 5x a week.

Hey guys! I have a question for you all. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. I love candy or anything sweet and I enjoy snacking on them usually later at night while I'm watching a movie. During the day I eat fairly healthy, whole foods, soups, etc but later at night I tend to get the munchies and start snacking on sweets that tend to be fairly low in calories but LOADED with sugar (Fundip for example, 50 calories a pack but 13g's of sugar)

I was wondering if this will someone stop me from losing weight even if I'm still staying within my daily calorie limit?

Feel free to leave any tips or pointers.



  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    No it wont I think the average sugar for a women is 75g per day. So you can have your sweet and enjoy it! :)
  • AutumnPhade
    Great! Thanks so much c:

    I just wouldn't want to hinder my efforts of losing weight by giving into some treats.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    With a 1200 calories meal plan and exercise 5 days a week, you definitely will have calories for snacking.