Eating junk food?



  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    If you're in a caloric deficit, your body will use your fat stores (and lean tissue if it has to) for energy and you will loose weight. So no, it does not matter what you eat.

    However, eating a lot of junk food when you're restricting calories is a recipe for nutritional deficiencies. You have to make sure that the foods that you're eating are nutrient dense and also that your body gets all the protein and fat it needs. It is also a lot harder to maintain a caloric deficit when eating junk food because they're so rich in calories and low in everything else that you end up feeling hungry all the time.

    I agree 100% with the poster who said that loosing weight and getting healthy are two completely separate things.
  • Cyan99
    Cyan99 Posts: 84 Member
    There's a difference between losing weight and being healthy. It's possible to be overweight and malnutritioned, and it's just as possible to be a "healthy" weight and malnutritioned.

    Obviously it's okay to eat 'junk', fatty, sugary or takeaway foods now and again, it won't kill you! But if you eat nothing else you might end up weighing less but being unhealthy, having bad skin, bad body composition, weak hair nails bones etc. plus feeling tired, depressed etc.

    Food is the fuel you give to your body - you get back what you put in.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    You CAN lose weight eating junk food. But you won't be healthy. Also losing weight on junk food is very VERY hard as your body will lack vital nutrients and will bombard your brain with FEED ME spam. A little junk food every now and then won't hurt you much if at all though.

    Let me tell you the story of someone who lived next to me in Kuwait basically she was one of these health obsessed people and she insisted that EVERYTHING her kids ate was fresh. Every single thing that went into their mouth. The result ... every time they came round our houses and ate one single thing from a can just a bit of canned tuna or canned mandarin slices they instantly got sick. Yes it's technically healthy but the truth is perfectly functioning bodies that have never had to deal with any kind of upset are well ... weak.
  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    You can still lose weight eating junk if calorie deficit, but you might become vitamin or mineral deficient if you aren't getting your RDA of these from healthy foods. It's better that what you do eat counts and is full of nutrients.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    Here's the most important thing you need to know: THE ONLY THING REQUIRED FOR WEIGHT LOSS IS A CALORIE DEFICIT (burn more calories every day than you eat).

    It makes ABSOLUTELY ZERO DIFFERENCE what the food is that you are eating in terms of weight loss.

    Now this doesn't mean that you should just eat anything you want, it's also important to hit certain macronutrient and micronutrient goals to make sure that you are healthy, but in terms of losing weight, it makes zero difference.

    This ^^^

    This, but I will also add, because inevitably some hairsplitter will come in and make a big deal about it...UNLESS YOU HAVE A HEALTH CONDITION

    I used to be one of those people who ranted about how hard it was for me to lose weight because I have insulin resistance and take medication that prevents me from losing weight. Boo hoo!

    Then I came here, decreased the number of calories I eat a day, increased the amount of moving around I do in a day and wouldn't you know it - I'm losing weight!

    And I'm a dirty eater of the highest order. I'm going to Chipotle tonight for dinner. Bring on the guacamole, rice and beans!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    What people don't seem to understand (or voluntarily ignore) is that losing weight does not automatically equal "getting healthy" (whatever the heck that means). If you ask "can I lose weight eating nothing but French bread," the answer is yes, you can, but you'll also eventually get scurvy. If you ask "can I have a healthy, functioning body eating nothing but French bread," obviously no. The first question is not the same as the second, and you shouldn't mix up the answers.

    Thank you. I'm here to lose weight but to also get as healthy as I can be and also teaching my kids to eat healthy. I honestly didn't know you can lose weight by eating McDonald's everyday.
    A lot of people don't realize they are separate things, which is why you see so many people burn out really quickly when they try to "diet." They go from "I was eating 3000 calories of McDonald's a day" to "I have to eat 1200 calories of lettuce and egg whites," which is insane. The amount of food and the nutritional makeup of the food are two different variables.

    This is also why you'll often see us recommend adjusting one variable at a time, so people don't get completely overwhelmed. Continuing my dumb example...go from eating 3000 calories to 2500 calories a day of McDonald's first. Do that for a month or two and you'll start losing weight, because you're taking in fewer calories. Next, swap out one order of fries for some steamed veggies. That will have two effects - you'll lose more weight because steamed veggies usually have fewer calories than fries, and you'll be getting "healthier" (hate that word because it's super vague, but it works in this dumb example) because you're getting extra nutrients from the vegetables that you weren't getting before. But the key is in the first step -- you didn't have to cut out McDonald's to start the weight loss. All you had to do was eat a little less of it.
  • Xingy01
    Xingy01 Posts: 83 Member
    Some people find that changing their diet and eating only healthy foods is easier for them than having junk food around to binge on. Others find it easier to lose weight by eating what they normally eat, but smaller portions.

    Depending on how overweight you are, losing weight on a less optimal diet could be preferable to eating massive amounts of healthier foods and staying overweight.

    I've always eaten a very well-rounded diet. I love and consume a lot of vegetables and fruits. Most of my meat consumption is baked/boiled/grilled chicken. I don't like sweets, chips, or anything with too much sugar or salt. It just doesn't taste good to me. I'm still obese. I'm obese from eating large amounts of "healthy" foods. There are plenty of people who are healthier than I am who eat more junk food than I do.

    It's unrealistic to think that anyone is just eating big macs every day. But could they be healthier than they currently are by consuming half their calories in what we think of as junk food? Sure, some people could.
  • rachaelbmh
    One thing to remember is that not all calories are created equally. The amount of nutrients in junk food pales in comparison to that in a kale salad or piece of lean meat.

    Losing weight and being and feeling healthy overall aren't the same thing. If your goal is to lose weight AND be healthy, then choosing healthful nutrient-dense foods like lean meats, fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds, high-quality dairy products (if you tolerate them well), and whole grains are your best bet. If foods don't serve any purpose except for emotional gain, then it might be wise to determine what else in life is making you seek those foods out.

    Food should absolutely be enjoyable, but ultimately food is just fuel.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
    Great post
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    It's all about personal choice but the main thing to remember is:

    Calories (deficit) = weight loss

    Nutritional quality of food = health

    Eat in a deficit and you will loss weight. Keep junk food limited in your overall diet and this should be healthier.

    Most people claiming you can eat what you want are talking about general weight loss.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    One thing to remember is that not all calories are created equally. The amount of nutrients in junk food pales in comparison to that in a kale salad or piece of lean meat.

    Losing weight and being and feeling healthy overall aren't the same thing. If your goal is to lose weight AND be healthy, then choosing healthful nutrient-dense foods like lean meats, fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds, high-quality dairy products (if you tolerate them well), and whole grains are your best bet. If foods don't serve any purpose except for emotional gain, then it might be wise to determine what else in life is making you seek those foods out.

    Food should absolutely be enjoyable, but ultimately food is just fuel.

    The amount of nutrients in a piece of fatty meat (or offal) is superior to a piece of lean meat - but it's all about personal choice.

    As long as your getting the nutrients from somewhere that's what counts.:smile:
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member