Do MBT shoes really work?

Yo! :smile:
I've been reading up about MBT shoes. Some good things, some bad things.
So I decided to come to the good army of MFP-er's for advice.
MBT shoes -
Have you had any personal experience with them?
Do they really help to tone up?

Thanks guys. :wink:


  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Im actually wearing my pair right now! I think firstly they are really comfortable. I do think they do something to a certain extent. They are quite hard to walk in at first and it does take getting used to, but I can get a bit sweaty walking to work in these, rather than just plain old trainers. You can definatly feel something going on in your calves and if you wear them every day im sure that you can get a little bit of toning.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Studies don't prove out the concept. I mean independent, peer reviewed studies, not the studies from the companies that make the shoes (you really can't attach any real value to sponsored studied that aren't open to peer review).

    I've read 3 separate studied done by independent research groups and all 3 concluded that these shoes don't really have any significant benefit over regular running shoes.

    here's one study, put out by Please note that Ace Fitness is a Personal Trainer certification group with NCCA accreditation and has a LOT to lose by putting out anything that's less than completely credible. I couldn't find the other two off the cuff, but I'll look around, if I find them, I'll post em (little busy today, sorry).
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I haven't tried them, but there is a very high incidence of people developing severe foot problems from wearing them.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I haven't tried them, but there is a very high incidence of people developing severe foot problems from wearing them.

    But that said, I have worn them for a couple of years now and I felt they are the most comfortable shoe that I have and have had no problems whatsoever. It does actually help your posture as well, by making you stand straighter.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I haven't tried them, but there is a very high incidence of people developing severe foot problems from wearing them.

    But that said, I have worn them for a couple of years now and I felt they are the most comfortable shoe that I have and have had no problems whatsoever. It does actually help your posture as well, by making you stand straighter.

    There are always exceptions, but I wouldn't take a chance, myself.

    Some people smoke their whole lives and never get lung cancer.

    (And after ballet and yoga, I don't need help with posture.)