Weight Loss over 40

mamafeddy Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all, I am 45 and have never really taken my weight off. I would love to find members around my age to help. I definitely need all the support and guidance I can get.


  • daniellesite
    daniellesite Posts: 42 Member
    I just turned 46 and know what you mean. I would be happy to help support you! I am finding that on this site all ages seem to be very helpful! :smile:
  • That is great!. I am trying to get out of my comfort zone and really reading the labels and logging every bite right now. Definitely not what I am used to.

    My question for today: For those of you with children, how are you balancing your diet needs with theirs? My kids keeping turning up their noses at "mom's diet food". Do you tell them " Eat it or starve" (haha) or make them separate dishes. Kinda struggling with this right now to find the right balance.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    Hello! I'm 42 and enjoying all the input and motivation from this site. you asked about how to cook for the family as well as dieting? i live with my husband and 13 yr old son who are both into powerlifting and football (son) so they are eating machines. i eat many more meals than they do but a lot smaller portions and a lot cleaner. they need calories to maintain their strength and weight. if i cook with sauces or higher carbs/fat for them, then i make my clean meals seperate. i still cook very healthy for them using lean meats and lots of chichen/pork/seafood recipes. i do cook with small amounts of butter and they eat more breads and quantity than i do but all and all, i cook healthy for them. most important....i pack my small meals in baggies on Sunday evenings. i hard boil dozens of eggs to have ready to eat at work (just egg whites) along with fresh green beens, salad, broccoli, friut, and protein shakes. i plan MY meals every sunday to have my work week ready and no room for "oh, i didn't bring in a lunch so i'll hit the drive thru". there is no excuse for eating clean when i'm prepared all week. every morning i grab my baggies and shake along with a full gallon of water. i bring water from home and try to drink the whole container before i leave work. EVERY DAY! been doing my routine for over 6 years and have maintained my weight loss without any problems. i have tweeked my foods to get back on the losing end again. it's time to train for a fitness competition and drop some more wt. i hope this helps you in some way
  • I've changed our diet twice in the past 8 years.

    1st time was lowfat/processed food & exercise. We ate that way for 6 1/2 years.

    2nd time was last year at age 40. I was so tired, like an old lady w/out energy. Came across juicing & the Mediterranean DIet lifestyle (healthiest diet in all of the world!) and haven't gone back. Threw out all the lowfat/processed foods and we eat better, more delicious than ever before!!

    My husband has been a support from the beginning. He realized that it is good for him and acquired a taste for what is healthy for him. My sons, 19 & 20, realize that I'm not bringing processed food back into the house. Boxed cereal was the last to go! They miss that right now but understand we aren't buying it and won't find it here. Our oldest son embraced the changes with understanding. My younger son will sometimes hold out till something comes around that he wants or eats tacos on the street.

    They all pretty much love what I cook now. No one can cook like mom can. Eating out is pretty gross sometimes when mom can make it so much better and it's good for you! We may eat out once a week for necessity. Sometimes I take my own food with me. They love my pizza, pasta, and marinaded grilled chicken from scratch. We're eating better than ever!!!

    Google recipes that will knock your socks off ;) This is a great adventure!
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