so annoyed!



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    who cares what anyone else thinks? its really NOT worth losing sleep over...

    This. OP, you have nothing to prove to anyone. You lost the weight for you, right? So why put so much worth behind what someone else thinks/believes?
  • Mbierschbach
    Mbierschbach Posts: 94 Member
    The general population won't say much to either a man or woman for a number of reasons. My boss, a man lost an incredible amount of weight - probably 50 lbs without saying a word. Turns out he was in Weight Watchers. No one has ever said anything, we just gossip "hey have you noticed _______ looks like he's losing a lot of weight, he looks great". No one wants to be seen as kissing up.

    Conversely I've noticed a woman at work who has done a great job losing weight (in the same WW group I believe) and I just don't know her well enough. Hey....I've never said anything to you about your weight before....but it's lookin good now? There's just not a good way to bring it up with coworkers in our "everyone gets offended" society these days.

    The OP's issue with an ignorant coworker accusing her of lying? There's just really no excuse or explanation.
  • weewdy
    weewdy Posts: 39
    To the posts saying why are you bothered then the answer is because i am live and work in a small village where everyone knows everyone and i also work caring for other peoples children. I dont want people to think im on drugs, as alot of people were taking a prescription drug to aid weightloss and i would hate for people to think i was doing the same.
  • Calamitycazza
    Calamitycazza Posts: 87 Member
    Honestly, it seems like people who don't mention it are just jealous that you've achieved something they probably want! I get it quite a bit, I get people telling me to stop because I'm too thin when I'm not or they don't say anything at all when it is very obvious I've lost weight as I have lost 27 lbs and gone from a size 16 to 12! Well done for the weight you've lost and keep it up, don't listen to people who annoy you, they really aren't worth the hassle!!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    who cares what anyone else thinks? its really NOT worth losing sleep over...

  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    She's just jealous...
    Some people do not comment because they are afraid to offend you if they say the wrong thing...
    Don't worry about it and keep up the good work!

    It is an amazing loss!!

  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    You've done an awesome job! Don't let her comments affect you. It sounds like she's projecting her own insecurities onto you.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Most people are probably not commenting for fear of offending you or perhaps they think it is not appropriate for them to comment, not because they think you are doing drugs or something. This woman just sounds bitter to me.

    I agree with this.

    Who cares how you lost the weight, really. I mean YES it's great that you didn't do a quick fix because that sets you up for easier maintenance and future success. But it doesn't really matter if others know that.

    I have lost a total of 120 lb and so far no one has asked me if I had weight loss surgery, but I know a lot of other people around the same loss who get constant assumptions. I can see where that might be pretty annoying. I HAVE had people ask me if I am doing a specific fad diet, shakes, or a pill. So I understand your annoyance and slight paranoia that "everyone thinks that" but I really would not worry too much over it.

    People also sometimes just don't notice, maybe some of them are too wrapped up in themselves. I have been 'guilty' of this before. Especially when someone was a pretty average size, say a ladies size 12 dress and lost weight and got to a size 8 or 10, I viewed that woman as normal before and after and not fat so I would never even notice the loss. That has been an issue several times with coworkers and acquaintances of mine asking, "Did you notice I lost 20 lb?" and I was totally unaware.