Insanity Workout

Starting the Insanity workout today, anyone wanna join make sure we get it done?


  • sarahjanescobie
    sarahjanescobie Posts: 43 Member
    Im on week 2! best workout ive done by far. feel free to add me :-)
  • fatbutgettingthinner
    fatbutgettingthinner Posts: 38 Member
    Half way through month two - feel free to add me. 7 kg lost so far and down to 14% body fat from over 24
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member

    I'm starting tomorrow too, was supposed to be last night, but didn't have time in the end. I need support to keep me going when the going gets tough. Feel free to add me.
  • abens123
    abens123 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm on day 3 . Feel free to add me. I've joined a group on here for people who start Insanity this week. You are welcome to join too! Feel free to add me.
  • Mswonderful4u
    Mswonderful4u Posts: 14 Member
    I started yesterday with the fit test and today the exercise. I will keep you posted. I am right along with you. feel free to add me.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    OMG - I did the Fit Test earlier and had no idea how out of shape I was! I do a lot of walking so thought my legs were in pretty good shape, boy was I wrong.

    Must admit was dreading today. Just the thought of having to do it by myself and not really having anyone to answer to like you do in a class, didn't really motivate me, but really enjoyed it and can't wait until tomorrow when it starts to get tough.
  • I'm exactly the same thought my legs were in better shape. I agree it's tough alone but still enjoyable.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Well found my motivation to stay on track. Some of my colleagues overheard me talking to someone about the dvds & I've been told that have to report my progress to them at end of each week cos they're interested to see if it's as good as people say it is. Haven't decided yet whether this is a good thing or bad thing, time will tell I guess.

    Hope everyone is doing ok & keeping up the good work.
  • indiechickuk
    indiechickuk Posts: 14 Member
    I start month 2 (the even harder stuff!) tomorrow- am absolutely terrified! I did the 3rd fit test today though, and even little improvements are a massive incentive to keep going- along with a couple of other improvements I managed one extra suicide jump, and I find those near impossible! Keep going with it, think how great you'll feel in a few weeks, and 'dig deeper'!
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I did the first proper workout today & my son told me afterwards that I looked like I'd just come out of a swimming pool. I'm so glad that each exercise is only 30secs cos don't think could last any longer! Despite not being able to keep up, I did enjoy it though.
    Good luck for tomorrow, I'm sure you're fitter than you think.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Sorry meant to ask, what do you log the exercises as? Thanks.
  • indiechickuk
    indiechickuk Posts: 14 Member
    I usually log as circuit training- ideally what you want to do is use a heart rate monitor as that'll give you more accurate numbers, but you can always just take your heart rate several times through the workout then find a calculator online to get a sense of how many cals you're burning (there are lots of websites where you can plug in some numbers!)
  • Jbeilfuss84
    Jbeilfuss84 Posts: 39 Member
    I just finished P90X3 and am starting Insanity Monday! Very much looking forward to it :)
  • AnstariaCJ
    AnstariaCJ Posts: 14 Member
    I started on Monday. Definitely sore but I hope it will be worth it. I use a heart rate monitor (HRM) and log it as aerobics and match the minutes to the calorie burn the HRM estimates. It's not exact but I think it might be a little more accurate to estimate using the HRM. I just need motivation to keep inputting my intake into MFP!
    Good luck everyone!
  • I just finished P90X3 and am starting Insanity Monday! Very much looking forward to it :)

    I want to get this workout and insanity I must be insane but need the money first
  • Jbeilfuss84
    Jbeilfuss84 Posts: 39 Member
    Both are great workouts! Insanity is my favorite, but X3 is good too. I like that the workouts are short and easy to fit into my crazy days :)
  • sixlete
    sixlete Posts: 3
    I started on 4/21. I did it 2 years ago and had awesome results. Then added to our family, so I'm trying to get back to where I was in 2012.
  • sixlete
    sixlete Posts: 3
    I started on 4/21. I did it 2 years ago and had awesome results. Then added to our family, so I'm trying to get back to where I was in 2012.
  • If anyone is up to start INSANITY May 12, feel free to join my group:

    It will be my fifth time doing INSANITY, and I have helped people lose from 15 to 35 pounds with INSANITY. Join and invite your friends. ;)
  • lottiew78
    lottiew78 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on the last day of week two and loving it!!! I've lost 6lb since starting which I'm really happy with, I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow though!!!