Really daft water question!

You know the 8 glasses of water a day thing? What size glasses should they be? Can I count a cup of decaff black coffee in my water count?! See, said it was daft ;)


  • nickowastaken
    nickowastaken Posts: 751 Member
    A cup of water is 236.59ml. You should aim to get at least 8 cups a day so that' approx 2 litres, innit.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Coffee is a diuretic, but it won't offset hydration. Yes, it counts as water. Tea as well. :)

    Also, the 8 glasses per day thing is just a guideline. Drink when you're thirsty or when your body lets you know it needs water. Don't drive yourself crazy with it!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    8 regulars, as opposed to large or small!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    how long is a piece of string?

    as nick says the 'std' measure is 8- 8oz cups or 2 litres -ish a day

    I work with a 0.5l water bottle on my desk and reful when it's empty or when i go to the loo - usually 4-5 times in the day - I am also a bit of a coffee fiend :) So i worked out that one of my bottles is a little over 2 "cups"

    and alternative measure that some people use is the "pee a pale straw colour once a day" rule of thumb that some militaries and military cadets and reservists are taught >> some people swear by it others dislike it but here are some references if you're interested: Color Test_Poster.pdf

    do what works for you - you're the one tracking
  • ballder
    ballder Posts: 7
    Thanks everyone :)
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    A "glass" is one cup or 8 fluid oz. It is just a unit of measure, isn't referring to whatever particular glass you have at home.