Looking to start strength training at home?!

So I've been running for a month now, I've nearly completed week 4 of couch to 5k, but I want to add some weight/strength training in there in hopes that I can build some muscle and work the parts of my body running isn't getting. I have no idea where to begin with this, I want to do it at home as I'm way too poor for a gym membership, currently I only own some 5lb weights but I would be interested in buying some more as and when I need them


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You won't build muscle sorry...you can however maintain what you have by doing resistence training.

    I workout at home (Stronglifts 5x5) which is a progressive load lifting program and I have 2 standard barbells, a bench, a squat rack for safety and about 300lbs in plates...

    For you try bodyweight training for now. Google convict conditioning or other circut training where body weight or smaller dumbells are used like 30 day shred.

    Fitnessblender.com has a lot of good bodyweight workouts as well.

    Edited for puncuation
  • KatieJo722
    KatieJo722 Posts: 14 Member
    I love the fitness blender workouts too. They are on Youtube and their own website. They have lots of strength training workouts. I've been working out with the videos for almost 4 months. They're simple and easy to follow. I use 6lbs, 10lbs, 15ls (the most often) and 25lbs. It's nice to have some options but you could start with the 5lbs and see how you feel. Good luck!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    You might want to read mark Lauren's book (you are you own gym) and also the New rules of lifting for women (Lou Schuler).
    Combining what you learn from both, you can use small weights to enhance body weight exercises, but still may want to look into getting some 'decent' weights. I started by getting a barbell with 30lbs off Craigslist. Started with that, then bought more weight plate by plate from the thrift store. It's still cheaper than a gym membership.
    And if you get tired of it, sell the lot. (We just moved to a smaller place, and I sold my bench and most of the plates for about as much as I paid for everything. And still, the guy who bought it got a deal's worth...)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    You won't build muscle sorry...you can however maintain what you have by doing resistence training.

    I workout at home (Stronglifts 5x5) which is a progressive load lifting program and I have 2 standard barbells, a bench, a squat rack for safety and about 300lbs in plates...

    For you try bodyweight training for now. Google convict conditioning or other circut training where body weight or smaller dumbells are used like 30 day shred.

    Fitnessblender.com has a lot of good bodyweight workouts as well.

    Edited for puncuation

    BS. You can most certainly build muscle doing at home body weight strength training. (Eating in a surplus of course)
    Besides CC, strength unbound is a great website with tons of info. Nerd fitness & YAYOG are ok too, especially for exercise ideas.