eating out of sheer boredom

Hi all,

I have been at my desk for nearly 4 hrs in that time I've had:

porridge with graonla
a banana
a tracker bar
a cadburys creme egg
a can of d. coke
2 large black coffees

and now I'm wondering what to have for lunch ( dinner is already planned)

I can't say I'm hungry, lol don't allow myself to be. anyone got tips on how to stop constantly grazing?


  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    pre pack your meals & snacks thereby eliminating the need to go anywhere that food is sold (so you can't deviate from them) and leave your wallet in the car so if you want to buy something you have to make a special trip.

    Schedule reminders in your outlook calender for eating your snacks (i.e. i have breakfast 8.30, snack 10.30 and lunch 12.30), and if you feel like you want to keep nibbling on your food after you've had your allotted snack tell yourself you can have something else from it, if you are still wanting it in 15 minutes.

    I find that giving my body time to process the fullness from what i've just eaten, along with knowing that if i eat more of my food now i will have less to eat at lunch, gives me a good start on not grazing continually. Plus, if you plan your snacks well, you only ever have a couple of hours between foods anyway, and by the time you've waited 15 -20 minutes it's not that long to wait til the next official meal time.

    quite regimented but i have to be that way or i just nibble all day
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Pre-plan your grazing snacks, limit them, and make sure that they fit your calorie and macro goals. I also find that coffee helped when I started out to replace having something going hand to mouth. Water will will too. You can also stand up and go for an occasional walk and stretch.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    For me I drink a lot of water while at work it's pretty much where I get in my 9-11 glasses a day and it helps with the grazing, plus I more or less bring snacks for the day (almonds, granola bar, fruit, greek yourt, veggies with some for of dip) I prelog it along with my meals so I know what my calories are going to be for the day and that way I can determine if I need more of something. For me its protein.

    It's hard to sit at a desk and not graze, I get it cause I sit at a desk all day at work, it takes some time to not just constantly put food in your mouth, but you will get there.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Find something to do....
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    I have this problem too, but I've been working on it. I do not allow myself to go to vending machines at all. I keep a hot drink next to me at all times. The warmth helps my stomach feel fuller. I generally stick with unsweetened hot teas.

    Always pre-pack your snacks so you know what you're allowed to have. Although some people say its a bad idea because of bloating, I suggest chewing gum. It keeps your mouth busy and who wants to eat something after their mouth is all minty? It makes everything else taste gross.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    Think you need a busier job.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    pre-plan everything that you snack on. i used to over log food, because i knew i'd take a few items off. try and fill up on fruits and veggies before moving on to sweets.

    coffee can be an appetite suppressant, so fill up on that. just avoid excess sugar and sugary creams.

    do some push ups.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I tell myself that eating out of boredom is completely unacceptable. I tell myself that "I just don't do that anymore". I walk to get myself ice/water. I say "hi" to a co-worker. Heck - sometimes I take a trip to the bathroom just for the excuse to walk somewhere. I sip tea on occassion. (And I come here to the forums!)
  • I work 13 hour shifts with a lot of down time (down ime because its a security position).. I was doing this and still find myself "hungry" out of boredom, but instead of packing "in case I'll be hungry" I pack what I would normally eat..
    Normally I would eat a snack before the gym, a mini meal, another snack, and dinner. When I'm at work I have felt compelled to snack and snack and snack and eat three square meals.. lately I prepack just what I NEED and though I find myself hungry, the hunger goes away when I drink green tea.. yerba mate tea helps too
  • pinkshiningstar
    pinkshiningstar Posts: 141 Member
    Preplan your meals AND snacks, drink plenty of water, grab a pack of gum and keep your cash at home (to avoid a sudden vending machine disaster)
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    thanks all, am going to go out for a walk on my next break and be a bit more organised with my day.
  • Prepared healthy snacks. Drinking water instead of grabbing something to eat when not hungry. Finding something fulfilling to do instead of filling your belly (activities over food). Perhaps you're not being stimulated enough mentally with the work you're doing so you look for something else to do instead?
  • AshwinA7
    AshwinA7 Posts: 102 Member
    1. Water can help alleviate boredom
    2. What you've described is exactly why I keep sugar-free gum at my desk. Just having something in my mouth usually fakes the feeling of eating enough when those boredom cravings kick in.
    3. Pack healthy snacks.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Get rid of the snack food around you
    Improve your willpower
    Buy an Xbox (or a puppy)
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Its all about head space and removing temptation.