is it just me....

Whenever I have a big loss like I did last week, 3 pounds *I only weigh every other week*, I always feel like its a fluke or something was wrong with the scale or I was dehydrated, I can come up with a million other reasons, until I see the same number or lower again... I dont know if its just me or if it's because the scale has semingly been stick and im not used to it moving so in my head I rationalize that its not right and my weight will be back to the same 188-190 ive been seeing for the past month :/


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The best way to know for sure is to track your weight over several periods.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I would suggest you start tracking your progress in other ways: photos, body fat, measurements.

    I've only lost 4lbs, but 5% body fat along with it so I'm very pleased.

    For me tracking with multiple things makes it more fun: once a week I track weight/body fat. Then once a month I take photos, and once a month I measure. It keeps me motivated to weight/measure/log everything as well as a good reason to keep up the exercise.

    I think you "not believing" the scale until you see the same number again or lower is actually smart- our bodies adjust in weight for many reasons completely unrelated to weight gained or lost from calories/exercise.

    If it's truly been a month that you've been at the same weight maybe it's time to recalculate you TDEE (which you're supposed to do every 5lbs), or really focus on your food intake, or change up your exercise routine.

    Good luck!