51 yr old fitness instructor, healthy for another 50 more...

Good Morning!
My quick introduction :)

I have been pretty active and fit my whole life, but after having a baby at 40 and another at 42, I found myself far from where I used to be. In January of 2010, I was 220 lbs, and a size 18-20. After a few false starts, I found what worked for me, stuck with it, and by May of 2011 was 145 lbs and a size 4 (I'm 5' 10")

After training and weightlifting, I am currently 153 lbs and somewhere at a 4-6. This is a good place for me right now.

After falling in love with fitness all over again, I trained and became certified in SPIN, TRX and Group Power. I now help and support other people at my gym as they too make their way to their fitness and health goals.

I came to MFP as a way to better track the foods I choose to eat along with the exercise I do. I have been pretty old school, using a notebook! This is my first try into a digital format. So far I love it!
