Tips for a new guy?

After a year of dedicated cutting and 76 pounds lost I have been maintaining for about a month, and I decided this morning to start upping my calories and ease into a bulk, go from three days a week to four in the gym. Any advice for someone who has never done an intentional bulk before?



  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Go slowwwwww and have patience.
    Up your calories by 100-200 a day for a week, mostly by adding carbs. Keep upping calories weekly. If you feel like your gaining too much fat back off the calories and/or add cardio.
    I failed my first bulk attempt, gained too much (fat) too fast. I cut for ~ 7 weeks and am slowly trying again.
  • mynamealex
    go slow and focus, start with aerobic then go bit cardio

    swimming/running/stairs, workout for reduce fat then exercise muscles
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    Easing into a bulk by reverse dieting is a good idea. You may not need to go to a 4 day split if you can handle 3 heavy full body routines per week - depends on where you're at in your training already - but a 3 day 5x5 progressive plan can quickly kick your butt. Don't worry about gaining some fat - it WILL happen and it's mind over matter to power through it. You've lost weight before and will have no problem doing it again. Check progress weekly with the scale and adjust cals as needed to keep the scale moving consistently (your calorie need will increase as you go). Periodic BF% checks are also very helpful in keeping things under control. Most of all, enjoy the will feel like the hulk in the gym and a king at the dinner table.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I was planning on hitting a bod pod this weekend to get a baseline. My lifting routine is three days of full body progressive stuff, and I have been doing that for the last six months, I just wanted to add a fourth day for some accessory work in addition to what I already do.

    So half pound a week is adequate? I figure for my first bulk I'd go 12-16 weeks and plan on putting on about 15 pounds total and then start to cut again, sound reasonable?


  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    I would stick to your 3 day a week routine and add accessory work within those 3 days after your main lift(s).
  • jcranston13
    You have to decide what is adequate for you. I personally prefer to gain lean and .5 lbs a week is a pretty good goal to shoot for. If you are pretty much a beginner to lifting you might be able to get away with a pound a week fairly clean. It is really up to you.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Makes sense, I guess I just have to make sure I put in enough time on those three days to do my routine plus some accessory lifts. I don't know just how new I am to lifting, I did plenty when I was in high school, and have been back in the gym for about a year now. I suppose I'll just have to plan on fine tuning my intake over the next several weeks and see what works.

  • ndrec
    ndrec Posts: 31 Member
    do not yo-yo with your weight and your hormones and don't think about 12 weeks because you'll see little progress and be frustrated. Rather go slow and steady and stick with the 3 times a week full body and eat 200-300 kcals above maintenance. Raise or lower carbs when training/resting. And try to stick with it for at least a year. If you're focused you could do it easily. Eat right and train smart (progressive overload) and results will come but be very patient.