Cross trainer, bike, or treadmill?

akaDumbo Posts: 187
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
The doctor has told me I need to do at least 30 minutes exercise preferably an hour a day because of the diabetes but having fibromyalgia and arthritis I am finding it very difficult. Swimming is about the least painful but by the time I have driven myself there and got myself ready I am already exhausted so still get very little exercise done. I've been debating for sometime what would be the best exercise for me to do at home and as much as I would love to buy a treadmill realistically I dont think I would get my monies worth because of my back problems (I use 2 sticks to walk). I've been looking at exercise stuff on amazon and have come across a piece of equipment that is a sort of exercise bike and crosstrainer combined (can be seen here: ) I was wondering if anyone had tried this and what your thoughts are (even if you haven't tried it)


  • lkcowgirl88
    lkcowgirl88 Posts: 7 Member
    Interested in answers you get. I am in same boat. Also have fibromyalgia.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Wateraerobics would be perfect for you. Great work out and very low impact on joints and muscels
  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member
    Wateraerobics would be perfect for you. Great work out and very low impact on joints and muscels

    I agree 100%
  • I am not enthused about that seat. I would think it would cause pressure points and perhaps aggravate your pre-existing conditions. While the product got favorable user reviews, I always feel you get what you pay for. If you find the item uncomfortable to use for any reason, it will become a clothing rack in a short time. It seems to me the health or fitness club is your best option.
  • hi, i have psoriatic arthritis and rhumatiod arthritis and was also advised to do 30-60 minutes cardio exersizes. even my physio wanted me to do much more than i was comfortable with. the water exersizes can be good but they gave me cramps in my feet. and i couldnt really afford gym membership so i opted for a exersize bike which i bought second hand for £20. when i first began i only could manage 2-5 minutes a day and only 3-4 days per week. but i gradually buit up slowly, much slower than recomended and now i can do twenty minutes every other day. if i do more days it aggrivates my arthritus, i've been doing it since july and have lost my 7lb since then. i know its not a big loss but i can now do twenty minutes instead of two, so it is progress. i also go for walks and do as much as i feel comfortable doing which has also got easier in the last few month. its keeping motivated that gets me.
    Do what your comfotable with with a bit of a push but dont over do it cause it'll put you right off. Doctors are told by th goverment to tell you to do 60 minutes a day. They dont have to live with you or your condition.
    your doing really well from what i see.
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Wateraerobics would be perfect for you. Great work out and very low impact on joints and muscels

    I agree 100%

    I realise that you are trying to be helpful but ....
    Swimming is about the least painful but by the time I have driven myself there and got myself ready I am already exhausted so still get very little exercise done.

    Maybe I didn't express myself well enough, maybe what I should have said is most days I dont even get dressed because I find it too difficult and too painful. The longest I can exercise would be 2 or 3 minutes at a time which means doing exercise about 20 times a day. I do not have a swimming pool or a health club in my house so they are both out of the question, it has to be something I can do at home.
    I am not enthused about that seat. I would think it would cause pressure points and perhaps aggravate your pre-existing conditions. While the product got favorable user reviews, I always feel you get what you pay for. If you find the item uncomfortable to use for any reason, it will become a clothing rack in a short time.

    I am inclined to agree but amazon also sell gel pack large saddles that you can slip over the top
  • lkcowgirl88
    lkcowgirl88 Posts: 7 Member
    I totally get what you are saying about by the time you drive somewhere you are too exhausted to actually do a good work out. I'm in the same boat. I am saving up for a recumbent exercise bike.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    That thing looks pretty much like an elliptical to me.... which would get my vote.

    My fave machine to use is the elliptical- it's what I used to start out exercising and I still use it when I'm not out running- love the thing! :heart:
  • I have Fibromyalgia and Arthritis. I started to exercise about 6 month's ago. I could only walk about a quarter mile and I was exhausted. Now I walk 4 to 5 miles a day which takes me a good 2 hours. It's little baby steps and you will increase in strength and condition yourself to work through the pain. The pain doesn't go away you just start ignoring it after a while.

    I don't have $$$ for exercise equipment so mostly I just walk but sometimes I do like to workout at home. Here is a link I got from one of the forums and I love it. So many different Trainers and Types of exercise routines, all for FREE, that you can do in the privacy of your own home, in your own time, and to your own ability.

    Remember baby steps...if you have the desire you will get there. Best Wishes on your journey!
  • Have youthought about/ tried Tai Chi? It is very gentle, flowing movement. There is a modified Sun version, created by Dr. Paul Lam, that has been specifically designed for individuals with arthritis and pain. He has created numerous instructional DVD's; arthritis, diabetes, back pain, and even a seated version. The DVD's cost around $25. I have used these DVD's. They are very easy to use, learn, and understand. Here's the link:

    I have found that using the DVD's to comfort level and using them regularly actually eases pain associated with arthritis, etc... and allows you to work toward a higher fitness level at your own pace. When you are ready, you can even work toward doing Tai Chi in the water, which is amazing and feels WONDERFUL!

    Here is Dr. Lam's general site

    It has great articles, tips, etc....

    I wish you the best! I do hope that you are able to find something that eases your pain! My heart goes out to you.
  • lizurt
    lizurt Posts: 5
    I too have fibromyalgia and exercise can be very challenging. I've gone from being in a wheelchair to a walker and now nothing. My first safe exercise was water aerobics that helped me with strength and balance. After 3 months of water aerobics 2x a week I moved onto the recumbent bicycle. The first several weeks I could only manage 5 or 10 minutes at a time. I gradually made my way up to 30 minutes. At that time I no longer required the use of my walker. My gait was a bit shaky but I required no walking apparatus. After 6 full months of water aerobics & the recumbent bike I felt confident enough to give the treadmill a try. I still hold on to the handles nearly the entire time but I can say I'm able to put in a full hour now without much recognition to the horrific pain once experienced. Just this week I have gone out and purchased a regular, no frills bicycle and now ride a mile to a mile and a half once or twice a day 4 days a week.

    Take it slow, don't push yourself because that will discourage you and you'll give up. You can do it! I did. 3 years ago I couldn't stand up unassisted and now most people have no clue I have a medical condition.

    Oh, also, you may wish to try a senior's yoga stretch and flex class. It is a yoga style class that helps with stretching and mobility but from a chair. If you're capable the same exercises can be done from a standing position. The breathing and concentration helps with pain management as well.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member

    I am inclined to agree but amazon also sell gel pack large saddles that you can slip over the top

    I have an ordinary stationary bike, and no health problems, but the saddle is uncomfortble so I sit on an old cusion while on it. Good luck with finding something that suits your needs:flowerforyou:
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Thank you for the suggestions and especially thank you for the links I will certainly be giving them a try
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