Weekend Help

I have little to no problems during the week staying with in my allowed calories, but the weekends are killing me. I know that it has everything to do with not being at work and having more temptation at home but how do I conquer this? Has anyone managed to beat this and what works best for everyone? What are some suggestions for snacking around the house that will satisfy my "need" to snack but at the same time not blow my calories through the roof? Thanks to all for you your help.


  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    I totally know what you are going through. Weekends are fairly unstructured for me and so then my eating is as well. So since I know weekend are a little harder to stay at my goal, I try to eat a few hundred less Thursday and Friday and Monday so I have a little "extra" for the weekends and I don't feel so restricted. I also have to just force myself out of my kitchen, period. I have also started a practice of asking myself what I'm really looking for every time I find myself with the fridge and pantry door open trying to find something to eat. The answer is almost always - that I don't really want to clean or do laundry or do whatever task at hand or I'm really freaking tired. If those are my answers I leave the kitchen, if my answer is that I'm really actually hungry, then I have something to eat. However, I will do just about anything to get out of housework and eating has always been that "thing I do" to avoid doing the things I really should be doing. Leaving the kitchen has worked fairly well for me, but it is still a work in progress. Don't know if that helps. Good luck.
  • quentinhayesgreen
    quentinhayesgreen Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I know that I am eating when I am not really hungry, I just don't seem to have the willpower to stop. I am going to try some popcorn this weekend, just to see if it will satisfy my snacking without killing me on calories. I know it's not great but it has to be better than M&M's. I think the real key is going to be to find a way to stay busy and away from kitchen.