Exercising with Shingles (TMI for squeemish)

Possible TMI:

Having an awesome week -- I've got shingles. Does anyone have any experience in running with them. Doctor said doing exercise was OK, but my shingles are on my back in my bra area. There's already a small amount of chafing that goes on with running, will this make the shingles worse or better? I'm only on day 4 of having them, so the pustules still haven't ruptured or scabbed over.


  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    My outbreak was resolved after 7 days (yay for Capsasin ointment). I would wait.. the ideo of them getting chaffed open and raw and sweat sounds pretty uncomfortable. Besides, they signal stress on your body, and maybe taking it easy to heal isn't such a bad idea.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I had the shingles and I don't understand how you're even up and about. I was in horrific pain for weeks. Just thinking about a bra chafing against one of my pustules makes me hurt. If one does get chafed and explodes, it won't be pretty and you could end up with a scar.

    Personally, I would let my body heal and worry about running later. Shingles is no joke.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,628 Member
    I've had them twice now ...... yours will probably get worse ...... do what you can, then take it easy for awhile ......

    feel better soon :drinker:
  • Adefowler
    Adefowler Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for the advice! You're right about me not overdoing it. It's just that I'm a highly anxious person and I use exercise instead of anti-anxiety meds. I'm already on edge from the pain, so wanting to go for a long run is my natural reaction. Yesterday, the pustules started and the pain is getting worse. I'm already so over this. :-)