Crossfit and Nutrition

Hello all...looking for input here...

I just started crossfit classes and am wondering how those that have been doing it awhile figure out their caloric needs? I've done Insanity twice and knew how much to eat to lose weight doing that, but my itnro class yesterday wasn't even a full workout and kicked my @ss 7 ways to Sunday - it was ahrder than Insanity....I'm thinking my calorie needs may be different.

I have the Polar Loop and an H7 HRM, but not sure if using that calorie burn is going to be the best thing to guage on since the workouts aren't purely aerobic and can be strength training heavy at times. So I'm lost on how to calculate what I should be eating basically. I am familiar with the TDEE concept, but haven't used it...would this method be effective?

Any input is appreciated.


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    TDEE would be a good way to go.

    Personally, I just gave myself like 200-300 more calories per WOD depending on intensity and what the pre-WOD workout was.

    You aren't really going to get an accurate number, just find what number works for you - as in, doesn't affect your performance, aren't always ravenously hungry and are still losing weight. It may take a few weeks to figure that out.
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    I input "Circuit Training" as the exercise, and typically put in about 2/3 of the length of the session. So if it's an hour and it really kills me I put in 40 minutes. If it's an hour and it doesn't really kill me I put in 35 or 30. An HRM isn't really the best option for Crossfit IMO because of the strength training element, as you said.

    Eat back your exercise calories, or at least 2/3 of them. And weigh your food on a scale wherever possible.

    I can't help you with the TDEE stuff because all those calculations....bleh. Hopefully someone else who's good at that stuff will be able to assist further.

    Hope this helps!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    you both gave great suggestions...I guess it might be a trial and error thing to see how much I can eat, still fuel my workouts, and lose weight. I have a small cheap-o scall...but I do need to get a nicer digital one. I guess I'll make a stop after work today and get a decent one :)
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I actually do the same thing... put in 45 for an hour class, 55 for classes that extended for longer (those damn... do it until your are finished wod).

    So far it is serving me well. Started MFP 75 days ago (crossfit for 14 months)... and with 1300 min calorie a day plus eating back some or most of my exercise calories I have lost 10 lbs in the last 75 days. I am also working on more protein intake a day to I can work on lowering my body fat % and increasing my muscle mass.

    Good luck with crossfit. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    thank you! I still ahve mine set at the 1200 cals a day and eat back exercise...but I haven't been very good with tracking intake or even actively trying to lose weight for the last few months. So I need to get back into the swing of logging everything I eat.

    I might have to do some trial and error, but I'm thinking I'll need around 2,000 cals a day or so, so I might try that to start. It's about what I was eating during the 2nd phase of Insanity, and if I subtract 500 from my TDEE it puts mea round 2,000 cals a day as well (if I work out 4 days a week).

    Congrats on your progress so far!! That's awesome.
  • tintin9
    tintin9 Posts: 35 Member
    I tried basing my calorie deficit from my TDEE but there weren't any changes. This week I'll start basing my calorie intake on my BMR and will consider the calories I spent on CrossFit as deficit. I'll try this for 2-3 weeks then I'll share my results with you.

    Has anyone tried this way?