gaining weight after dieting?!

So i went from 150 pounds to 120 pounds. However i stopped dieting because I think my body had enough alread and there was a problem because I lost my periods and and my hair aas thinning and lets just say I was going nuts. I stopped dieting this month and ate whatever I want . And I checked my weight this afternoon on an empty stomach and gained 6 freaking pounds i excersised less also .i Feel extremely sad and so scared about gaining even more weightt. I have worked so hard on losing weight fornsix months :,-( indont want to be fat again.I dont know what to do should I go back on my diet? Will this weight keep risig up :-(


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm guessing you you were eating a caloric intake that was inappropriate for you size/height and activity level. I looked back at your diary in March, and your calorie goal was 1400 calories, but there were several days you didn't even hit 1200 calories. You didn't log any exercise, but I'm going to assume you were, since you stated you've been working out less now. Which means, even at your 1400 calorie goal, including your exercise, you were netting low numbers. It's no wonder you were having hormonal issues and losing your hair.

    In regards to your 6 lbs gain, you need to understand that the body constantly fluctuates. Perhaps you had more sodium yesterday (though you didn't log, so I've no idea). It could be water retention from your monthly times, or exercise. Also, when you eat more calories after you've been cutting (staying in a deficit), your glycogen stores begin to replenish, which also retain water.

    My recommendation is to find the appropriate calorie intake for maintain your current weight. And log, everyday, consistently to make sure you maintain and not fall back into old habits.

    And finally, read this:
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Why don't you look back at the advice given to you in the multitude of previous threads you've created over the past two months using all of your different screen names ... then and actually take the advice and apply it?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Aaaaannnnd... based on your posting history, I recommend you seek professional help. You mentioned an eating disorder in a previous thread, not to mention mental health issues. So yes, seek out the help from a professional.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Hi, did you see your doctor again after you posted last week? You really need to get professional help for your issues.

    If you are in the US:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Hi, did you see your doctor again after you posted last week? You really need to get professional help for your issues.

    If you are in the US:
