Check out my diary!

Hi all,
Firstly a bit of background info. I'm 5ft 8.5, 11.1 stone and a 24 year old female. I am only looking to lose around 14-18 pounds which is where I will feel my most happiest and healthiest. I've always fluctuated from around 10-10.7 stone but have felt myself slowly creeping the pounds back on through binge eating (mainly due to boredom), socialising (eating out and partying) and too many take aways! Anyway when I left uni I was around 11.8 and I do not want to end up back there as I felt really uncomfortable so I'm trying to kick these bad habits now! I've been logging for the past 10 days and would appreciate some input on where I could improve. I feel like I'm eating lots (though healthier than before) but still mostly end up under my calorie allowance and I'm not sure if I'm doing it all wrong!

Any advice and pointers would be hugely appreciated to help me live a happy and healthy life!



  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Your food diary is not public.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Your food diary is not public.

    and do this:

    make it public if you want any of us to be able to see it.
  • jade2190
    jade2190 Posts: 11
    Ooh sorry! I've done it now, thanks for the link, I'm new to all this!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    you have 16lbs to lose. go back and change your goal to .5lb (or whatever the lowest/slowest option is) per week.

    eat back a portion of your workout calories. I'd shoot for 50% minimum.

    eat more protein. eat more fat. hit those macro goals first, then fill out the rest with your carbs.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Your fat and protein levels both seem low. Unless you have a medical reason to restrict either one, you should meet or surpass your goals on those every day.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    What Trog and Dianne said.
  • jade2190
    jade2190 Posts: 11
    What foods would you suggest to increase protein? Maybe swap Chicken for Turkey? I don't like Nuts but maybe I should just try and suck it up and incorporate a handful into my diet now and again.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    What foods would you suggest to increase protein? Maybe swap Chicken for Turkey? I don't like Nuts but maybe I should just try and suck it up and incorporate a handful into my diet now and again.

    Chicken and turkey are going to have a very similar amount of protein per calorie as they are both lean meats. If you need more protein you need to eat more protein which means more of your daily diet will come from protein rich foods. If you want to keep your calories the same and increase protein don't switch chicken for something else protein rich, eat more chicken and less of something else that is low protein. As trog said if you need to raise protein or fats while keeping calories the same, lower your carbs.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    What foods would you suggest to increase protein? Maybe swap Chicken for Turkey? I don't like Nuts but maybe I should just try and suck it up and incorporate a handful into my diet now and again.
    just more. no need to swap chicken out for turkey to increase protein, just eat more protein in general. greek yogurt, cheese, whatever. if you don't like nuts, that's okay. how about avocado? there's plenty of good fat out there. Peanut butter works too.
  • jade2190
    jade2190 Posts: 11
    Ok, thanks for the advice. I'm definitely gonna try and take this on-board next time I go shopping. I tend to stick with just the same things so it will be good for me to switch it up a bit and introduce new things to my diet.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Ok, thanks for the advice. I'm definitely gonna try and take this on-board next time I go shopping. I tend to stick with just the same things so it will be good for me to switch it up a bit and introduce new things to my diet.

    Increasing your protein intake will come with the added bonus that protein is much more satiating than carbs which means if you up your protein and lower your carbs you will likely feel much more full from your meals. I'm not sure if hunger is an issue for you but if it is this will help.
  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    Protein rich food is fish for example.
    Soya products are ok as well.
    No batter or breaded meat/fish, just baked in the oven or fried in a teaspoon of good oil.
    Online you can find lists with protein rich foods.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Protein rich food is fish for example.
    Soya products are ok as well.
    No batter or breaded meat/fish, just baked in the oven or fried in a teaspoon of good oil.
    Online you can find lists with protein rich foods.
    you can eat battered/breaded fish and still lose weight. just count it.
  • jade2190
    jade2190 Posts: 11
    Yeah hopefully this will help. I'm not necessarily feeling hungry, just rather unsatisfied after meals which makes me want to pick later on! Hence the cereal on the night time! So I've been eating meals of chicken, brown rice and veg. So having a little less rice and half a chicken breast more would be a good idea? And then say carrot, celery and cucumber battons with cottage cheese or low fat Greek yoghurt as a snack later on?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Yeah hopefully this will help. I'm not necessarily feeling hungry, just rather unsatisfied after meals which makes me want to pick later on! Hence the cereal on the night time! So I've been eating meals of chicken, brown rice and veg. So having a little less rice and half a chicken breast more would be a good idea? And then say carrot, celery and cucumber battons with cottage cheese or low fat Greek yoghurt as a snack later on?
    sounds good :) give it a try.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Fat shouldn't be avoided - just limited somewhat. We need fat for healthy hair, skin, etc.

    Some fats are better than others. There is good fat in olive oil, peanut butter, fish like salmon for example.

    Looks like you often come in under your calorie goals - so increasing the chicken portion, cooking veggies in a skillet with a little olive oil - could help increase your healthy fat & protein without having to trim back your rice. Also you can snack on cheese. I saw you didn't like nuts - maybe try a different kind? Or try a hazelnut spread on toast for a simple snack.
  • a7xchicky
    a7xchicky Posts: 2 Member
    do a lot of walking. trust me, it helps alot
  • jade2190
    jade2190 Posts: 11
    I rarely eat fish except tinned tuna which I'm sure doesn't have quite the same nutritional value as an actual fresh cut if tuna or salmon. It's just I don't really enjoy this much. Breaded or battered would suit me better and I guess if it's just occasionally then this would be ok.

    Another question is I tend to eat frozen veggies. Mainly due to the fact if I buy all fresh veggies, I will have to Chuck half out as I won't get round to eating it all in its sell by date and this ends up wasteful and expensive. Is the frozen stuff still considered healthy?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Yeah hopefully this will help. I'm not necessarily feeling hungry, just rather unsatisfied after meals which makes me want to pick later on! Hence the cereal on the night time! So I've been eating meals of chicken, brown rice and veg. So having a little less rice and half a chicken breast more would be a good idea? And then say carrot, celery and cucumber battons with cottage cheese or low fat Greek yoghurt as a snack later on?

    Add more protein to your diet and you can keep the same calorie intake but feel much MUCH more satisfied.

    I tried eating 50% of my calories from protein for a while but I had to stop and go down to 40% because I literally could not get myself to eat enough with that much protein, its just too filling.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Another question is I tend to eat frozen veggies. Mainly due to the fact if I buy all fresh veggies, I will have to Chuck half out as I won't get round to eating it all in its sell by date and this ends up wasteful and expensive. Is the frozen stuff still considered healthy?
    don't stress too terribly hard about fresh vs frozen.
    first things first, get more protein and fat.
    change your goals to make sure you're eating enough.