Ok, I was very naughty over the bank hol weekend...


I just had to post because I've been feeling super guilty about my bank holiday weekend treats I decided to give myself.
Error one, Thursday night, went out with friends, drank a lot, and ate an 8" takeaway pizza when I got home. Error two, went out for a Chinese meal on Saturday. Ate prawn toast, spring rolls, and lost the plot a little with the duck pancakes. Error three, went out with friends again on Sunday, another alcohol followed by pizza night. I know how bad it is, I just got a little carried away, and wondered if anyone else went a bit crazy, or has any similar stories so I don't feel like I've ruined myself!?
At this point I dare not go on the scales. I'm going to give myself a couple of weeks because I'm genuinely scared I will have put the 6lbs I lost back in the space of 4 days, which I'd be seriously gutted about. Is that possible? That I could have gained 6lbs in 4days? I don't feel fatter, and my tummy still looks as it did before, but I'm worrying about the damage I've done!
So yeah, if anyone has had a naughty sesh or has any ideas on just how much damage I may have done I'd be very thankful!


  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I doubt that you will have gained 6lbs in a matter of days - most likely water weight from excess sodium if you have.

    Just get back on track. Did you enjoy the weekend? Did you have a good time and a couple of laughs? Yes, then good - you're living your life.

    Just go back to your healthy habits, weigh in a week or so and go from there
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    "Is that possible? That I could have gained 6lbs in 4days? "

    Absolutely possible. But it will be water from all the excess sodium you took in from all that take-away. You did not gain 6 pounds of fat in 4 days.

    Relax, go back to your diet...drink plenty of water to ditch that excess sodium you probably took in and ignore the scale for a week like you said.

    The only way you would have added 6 pounds of fat is if you had managed to eat 21,000 calories over your maintenance level. I don't think you did that do you?
  • mikedenali
    mikedenali Posts: 181 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over this. I do it all the time. Most weekends :sad: I usually stay off the scale for that week and try to be more diligent with watching what I eat and even adding in an extra workout if I can. Remember that you're not going to change your body either way over the course of a weekend. It takes time. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Keep on working :glasses:
  • Thanks for these replies.
    I did have a good weekend yeah, that's what is allowing me to sort of justify! It was a bank holiday after all. I'm back to my normal routine now so hopefully haven't ruined anything too much.
    I do hope I didn't eat that amount of calories Aaron, haha! I will stay off the scales for now and work hard this week.
    Thanks again :)
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    Just to let you know I went on a cruise vacation recently.

    When I got back I weighed 5 pounds heavier.

    I picked back from where I left off with my calorie tracking, exercise regimen, supplements, etc.

    When I weighed in a week later I lost the 5 pounds (water weight) +1.

    Just to let you know it is possible to balloon around after a few days of cheating & falling off the wagon.