In dire need of support. :(

I fail at motivation. With everyone around me telling me that I either don't need to lose weight, or just reminding me that I'm fat, it's hard to stay motivated.

I'm a gamer and anime lover. I have an obsession with fantasy, too. I figured I'd throw that out there, because I want more than just weightloss friendship. (Of course, I'll add anyone, so don't take that wrong.)

My name is Erica, but I go by Mrs Blunder. I run an anime/gaming blog during my freetime. I also indulge in text-based, fantasy roleplay. Think your typical table-top rpgs, without all the stats and JUST the RP. (Nope, not erotica. ;P)

So... yeah. Loves?


  • chetan04
    chetan04 Posts: 62 Member
    Well, we all are here to give you those constant kicks in the *kitten*! only if you return the sweet favor back! :)
  • lilyp91
    lilyp91 Posts: 22 Member
    I understand how difficult it is to stay motivated and meet your goals for fitness and weight loss! One of the BEST pieces of advice I've ever been given is related to exercise. I always wanted to lose weight and get into better shape but felt a bit lost sometimes as to how to achieve it. I was told to start trying different activities (walking, riding a bike, going for a hike, etc.) until I found one I enjoyed and get moving. Then, the goal became continuing to it. It has been a long road but I've actually become very attached to running (this statement is coming from the girl who did everything possible to avoid actually participating enough to break a sweat during gym class growing up) and have completed three marathons. Now, I am much more active than I ever was as a young adult because, after finding an activity I liked, it made me feel more confident and willing to try other things. Also, I LOVE to eat, so getting back from my run of three miles and banking 300 more free food calories for the day makes me really happy.

    As far as nutrition goes, this one feels REALLY tough, particularly if you're the only one in your household making changes. I was still living with my parents when I first made the shift away from a meat and cheese heavy diet. I eat that stuff from time-to-time, but it is not too often anymore. I honestly don't miss it. Anyway, I more or less dragged my parents along with me with the dietary part and tried to find a balance that worked for me. Bottom line is I eat a TON of fresh, whole foods and very little processed foods with meat as a treat from time-to-time. That works for me. Once I got away from chips and candies, I stopped craving them. When I do have them once in a while, they aren't nearly as satisfying as they once were nor are they nourishing in any way.

    I don't know if this helped any-I hope it did! Feel free to add me to your contact list if you'd like to stay in touch. Either way, keep your eye on your goal. It sounds like it is for long-term good health, which is how I found my way to MFP also.
  • Patrickk95
    Patrickk95 Posts: 2 Member
    If you want to change do it for yourself, don't rely on other people's motivation to motivate you. If YOU want it DO IT.
  • Zodia81
    Zodia81 Posts: 43
    You can add me as a friend (I am only 10 days in) and I am also a gamer. Mostly MMORPGs. I find it very helpful to have friends on here that are active and log on everyday. Viewing other people's food diaries really helps me too (and gives me ideas).

    You can do this! :)
  • AnthonyThrashD
    AnthonyThrashD Posts: 306 Member
    I have the same problem, so I gave up on motivation, because I *never* feel like turning down a cadbury creme egg and doing 30 min on a treadmill.

    My solution...
    You brush your teeth every morning, regardless if you're feeling like blahhh or great. Because it's a routine. I've structured my deal as a routine. It doesn't matter how I feel, I know in the morning I'm going to be eating one of 5 low cal breakfasts I have saved as meals in MFP diary. Same with lunch, and dinner. When 8PM rolls around, I will be on a treadmill, I don't think about it.

    hope this helps
  • EMJenkinson
    EMJenkinson Posts: 22 Member
    I guess I should learn to make habits. I've done it before, a few years ago. Granted, I'm an emotional eater and take things way too seriously sometimes. I ended up gaining everything back. =\ I lose interest, more importantly. Everyone around me eats what they want to eat, regardless of how it makes me feel, and that doesn't help. I guess I really lack self control, as well.
  • mooftwo
    mooftwo Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with lilyp91. Think of it as a lifestyle change not a diet or exercise. Find what suits you best and go from there. You've already taken the first step and started with myfitnesspal. Don't give up. Wait until you start seeing results then that amazing feeling you get when your clothes start feeling better and you start to walk a little faster or longer will be motivating enough to continue!

    Good Luck!! Stay Strong! and Don't give up.
  • AnthonyThrashD
    AnthonyThrashD Posts: 306 Member
    I guess I should learn to make habits. I've done it before, a few years ago. Granted, I'm an emotional eater and take things way too seriously sometimes. I ended up gaining everything back. =\ I lose interest, more importantly. Everyone around me eats what they want to eat, regardless of how it makes me feel, and that doesn't help. I guess I really lack self control, as well.

    I feel your pain. My family constantly eats out. While they're eating their big macs and fries, I log into MFP, and open some of my MFP friends food diaries. I can see that the people with similar goals as me, are also eating like me. The truth is the people immediately around me, do not share my goal or give me support. I seriously rely on my MFP friends for that, and I'm grateful for them :)

    I suggest log everything, and make sure your diary settings are open to your friends, you may save someone from eating a Big Mac :D
  • tcmom72
    tcmom72 Posts: 32
    Totally can relate to everything you said. Need someone to kick me in the butt. You can add me. More than happy to give support. :)
  • mhunt802
    mhunt802 Posts: 2
    We all have to start somewhere, and Kudos to you for starting!! We are all in the same boat.
  • EMJenkinson
    EMJenkinson Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks guys. ^_^
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    One thing you can do, as an anime fan, is to investigate how to make the food they eat in the anime. I have just gotten into Bento Box making and I use it as a guideline for my lunches. Getting an interest in what is going into your stomach is a good way to control it.

    Keep your eye on a prize or a goal - some gorgeous new cosplay outfit or looking fit for the next supanova or comicon (or even being able to walk in some of those incredible cosplay boots!)
  • pandacane
    pandacane Posts: 1
    I really appreciated this post. A lot of what you said and others have posted resonated with me as well. Feel free to add me!