Lose 15lbs in 2 months??



  • Mbierschbach
    Mbierschbach Posts: 94 Member
    I've lost over 29 lbs since mid-January aiming to lose 2 lbs/week for the first 10 weeks and then slowing my loss to 1 lb/week since then. No crazy fads. 60 minutes of weight training + 30 minutes of cardio four days a week. 2 mile brisk walks on lunch hour for gym rest days (I lift very heavy). That exercise, plus a calorie deficit tracked with MFP and I've been very successfully lost the weight I wanted to.

    Am I special? No. Can you do it? Only you can tell. There's no reason you can't though.
  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    Is it possible to lose about 15 pounds in about 2 months? I'm trying to lose a total of 50 pounds for a wedding I'm going to be in. If it's possible any tips?
    Sorry, I meant to harm. It just reads you are looking to lose 50 by the wedding. Nobody meant anything bad, just sometimes when someone makes a huge goal with a set date, after that date they lack motivation. 15lbs before a wedding is a great goal and very attainable

    I still don't see why 50 lbs keeps surfacing. She has 2 goals. The first is a total weight loss of 50 lbs. The 2nd, the topic question, is 15 lbs and 15 lbs is realistic and safe.

    @ Mallory, go on with your bad self and have a great wedding!
  • taterbug29
    Mallory you can totally do it sweetie! Just set you mind to it and buy lots of fruits and veggies. If you crave something for more than a day or 2 and you can't seem to shake it then have it but remember you portions. You've got this!