First Full before 40 - Keeping a promise to myself

I made a promise to myself when I took up running 6 years ago that I would run a full by 40. I turned 39 a few weeks ago and the first thing I did – sign up for a full marathon in September. I am elated and terrified all at once. I also signed up for a training group, so here’s hoping I don’t break that promise to me :)


  • gooserocks85
    gooserocks85 Posts: 48 Member
    congrats! signing up is the first step of the journey. good call on joining a training group; i found that the support and camaraderie i experienced from my half-marathon group was invaluable. i never would've made it through those long saturday runs without them!
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    Congratulations!! It will be hardest but most rewarding experience!! Both the training and the actual marathon!:)
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks - I have been running for 6 years now (took it up when I was about 230 pounds - I am almost 100 less than that now), and have run the half before. Have really wanted to do the full, but this is the year that my kids are at the age where I can really start devoting the time to it (my oldest can watch my youngest for a bit if I am for a run and my husband has to work). I am super happy too. The training group I joined does long runs on sunday mornings and apparently will have super early run times (meaning I will be home in plenty of time to have family time).

    Any tips on your fave (or tolerable) long run nutrition would be greatly appreciated. I am starting to experiment a bit with what I can tolerate. OMG those Goos make me want to vomit :( The gummies are ok though.
  • gooserocks85
    gooserocks85 Posts: 48 Member
    i'm personally a fan of gummies/chews. throughout my half training i used honey stinger chews (sierra trading post had them on mega-clearance, probably because they had lance armstrong on the packages) - i'd rip the top of the package and keep it in the zipper pouch of my water bottle. i liked that i could eat a few at a time and not worry about the pack oozing everywhere like gels can.

    whatever you pick, make sure you drink water with it (not a sports drink) - that might help with how your stomach reacts.