Hey mommys in 30's...



  • LynneW1983
    LynneW1983 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Mum of 2 boys 30 years old. Still got up to 20lb ish to lose lost 79lb so far. Add me if you want
  • nekeishamunford
    nekeishamunford Posts: 1 Member
    Add me please! 33 mom of two. I was 198 then got down to 168. Life happened and I'm back up to 180. My goal is 158. I welcome all suggestions. Good luck to us all!
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Someone posted a similar topic yesterday (or so). This might help, too :)


    I'm a 37 year old mom of 6. ages 2 - 21. I am a full time teacher and will have my Masters in December and will start counseling next school year :)
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi mamas! i am a single mama to a 6 year old son, I'm finally dedicated to losing this weight! I thought I was chubby in college, now I just want that body back! Looking to lose 20 pounds, eventually 30 if I can.

    I have a gym at work which I use, but very limited time, and have to start dedicating more time in the mornings to get some more workouts in then. Even if I go for a walk after dinner, I have my son with me and it's normally a detour, you all know how it works!