Suddenly dropped HR. Why?

Hello everyone.

I use Polar beat app with a H6 HR monitor. I usually run 5km on treadmill, nearly every day. My time is not the best but at this moment I am happy that I can run this much without stop as I am 91kg.

So today I did not feel ok when I got to gym in the morning. I felt like vomiting and weak so I decided to skip the 5k today and had only 2 km (1 km light jogging (8km/hour) then walked the second km with 5.5km/hour. Then later I checked the polar website and seen this strange line. The red line is just like an average day during the 5km and the blue one is my today's workout.
As I mentioned above I was jogging the first km and slowed down after around 8 minutes but before that as you can see on the blue line the HR was suddenly dropped many times once from 157 to 78.

Does anyone have an idea what it could be? Why is it like this? This is the first time I noticed something like this.



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Please contact your doctor. I have POTS and supra-ventricular tachycardia. It could signify either a minor, temporary problem or a more serious underlying cardiovascular condition.

    You said you weren't feeling well so it is most likely related to that. You probably should've skipped the workout all together.

    One of the most common causes of a drop in your heart rate while exercising is vasovagal syncope (when blood vessels expand and blood pools in the lower parts of your body). This is often caused by overheating or dehydration.

    If this continues to happen while exercising, and you feel faint, stop immediately. Sit down and put your head between your knees.
  • Tacticalmedic13
    Tacticalmedic13 Posts: 26 Member
    You might have stimulated your vagal nerve somehow. That could explain the nausea. MFP is a poor place to try to diagnosis heart issues. If you notice the same thing again, I would strongly encourage you to go see a doctor.
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    I am editing because I was thinking it was a device malfunction. A tighter chest strap is not helpful in this case.
  • StefanyRiley
    StefanyRiley Posts: 3 Member
    This is not a question for an internet forum. This is a question for your doctor. Go immediately. It might be nothing, but you'd be foolish to wait.
  • Royan33
    Royan33 Posts: 10
    Thank you!