Running Help!!

I just signed on to run a 1/2 marathon relay with my sister on August 17th. I've run 5k's before but it has been a while and I feel like I'm starting from scratch. I have used the couch to 5k running program before but I'm not sure if 15 weeks is enough time to properly prepare myself for what is looking like a fairly hilly course.

Does anyone have some suggestions or other training programs that they have found helpful?


  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    If you have been running actively at any point within the last 6 months, it won't take as long to recover your cario endurance to where it was as it did for you to work up to that point the first time.

    If you don't use it, you lose it when it comes to muscle development and cario endurance.

    Fortunately, bodies that have been there before, and recently (within 2 years) are more readily able to recondition. Start training to the best of your ability, and it will come back to you. I've personally been there many times and it doesn't take me more than three weeks to go from no miles to 5 mile run (with hills!) on a regular basis.
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    Are you comfortable at a 5k distance right now or no? If not, what distance are you comfortable at? Depending on the answer, will depend on my recommendation, but with little base under your belt right now (assuming low mileage/week that is, if any), I'd highly suggest the Jeff Galloway run/walk program. It should get you through injury free and a more enjoyable experience given you likely don't have much base right now. And you're right, 15 weeks isn't really all that long to train, most half plans will be 12ish weeks in length.

    If you can get yourself up to a comfortable 3 miles at a time in the next 3 weeks (assuming you aren't starting from 0, as that would be ramping it up far too fast and would be increasing your risk of injury), I'd then likely go with Hal Higdon's Novice 1 plan...12 weeks long and assumes you can run 3 times a few times a week to start with.

    Also - before you start training, go to a local running specialty store and get fitted for shoes. You might be able to get by with whatever for 3 miles at a time, but you'll need the right shoes as the mileage increases.

    FWIW - I ran 3 miles frequently and when I decided to do my first half, I trained for 4 months and it was hard, but doable! That was 3 years ago and 10 half's and 2 marathon's ago. Watch out, you might just get addicted!:)
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I started with a 13 week 10k plan two years ago. That was 0 to 10k in 13 weeks. If you've run before, you can probably jump in somewhere along the line and just increase your long run every week... Don't push too hard, but you probably already know the difference between soreness and injury :wink:

    Eta: seen as it's a relay, are you actually looking to run the full half marathon distance?
  • Rissyroo513
    Rissyroo513 Posts: 79 Member
    I have fitted running shoes already so I at least have that under my belt. I will be running a little more than a 10k for this race so I'm thinking a couch to 10k type program will probably be most helpful. I don't have much of a base right now as it has been a few months since I have last ran (no gym membership during a CT winter).
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    I have fitted running shoes already so I at least have that under my belt. I will be running a little more than a 10k for this race so I'm thinking a couch to 10k type program will probably be most helpful. I don't have much of a base right now as it has been a few months since I have last ran (no gym membership during a CT winter).

    Keep in mind the shoes need replaced every 300-500 miles too, I find it easiest to log the miles per shoe (I have 3 pairs I rotate between) on dailymile.

    I'm so sorry, I misread. I thought you were running the entire half marathon, I see now it's a relay. You have PLENTY of time. Do a couch to 10k and you'll be fine. Or do a couch to 5k again and then do a 10k plan like this 8 week plan:
  • Rissyroo513
    Rissyroo513 Posts: 79 Member
    Keep in mind the shoes need replaced every 300-500 miles too, I find it easiest to log the miles per shoe (I have 3 pairs I rotate between) on dailymile.

    I'm so sorry, I misread. I thought you were running the entire half marathon, I see now it's a relay. You have PLENTY of time. Do a couch to 10k and you'll be fine. Or do a couch to 5k again and then do a 10k plan like this 8 week plan:

    Thanks for the advice!