Ok I lost track, please help me get back on

I have been using this program for months and lost up to 10 lbs then I lost track and gained it all back! I'm so mad at myself, i think i get scared to loose more weight and I stop.. I am trying to get pregnant and I need to loose weight. I'm healthy enough to have a baby, but i want to be healthier. This is my "track" i need to stick on. Any advice would do great, if i think i'm going to get off track please help me get back on! Thank you for all your help. If you want, you can add me as a friend! That would be great!


  • gogospice
    gogospice Posts: 185 Member
    You can do it! I made a few friends on here and I find that their comments on my daily exercise, and calorie consumption is sooo helpful! I actually feel like I'm accountable to them, and I love hearing their positive comments, so it keeps me going! Whenever I feel like I want to quit, I remember all of those wonderful people, and I keep on going!
  • dbrady102
    dbrady102 Posts: 139 Member
    I don't know what caused you to get off track but I know this: In the past if I had a bad couple of days I would let that get me off track and basically just give up. I've learned this time around that there will be days that I over indulge, I think if I don't every once in awhile I would most likely fall completely off. But now I don't get depressed about a bad day or two I just start again. For example, last week I didn't lose any weight - I didn't gain any by my weigh in day like I could have (couple of bad days in there) but I didn't lose. I have not let that get me down, I started right back where I needed to and hopefully will be able to hang onto that mentality. So remember, one day at a time and if you go over one day - start again the next. It will get better.:smile:
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Hey. I was in that same boat for quite awhile!! I kept yo-yoing with my weight & that in itself is really unhealthy! What i found works for me is to NOT DIET!! Instead of "dieting" i made a "lifestyle change". I found that's the only way that works for me. I am not the type of person who can eat only vegetables, fruits and fish all day, everyday. I get bored when I don't have a variety of different foods. THIS TIME around (diet take 763920920) I eat anything I want .. but LESS!! I eat everything in moderation now! I still eat pizza, but I cut back on the amount. I still have a piece of cake at a birthday party, but a smaller piece. I make my numbers work into my calorie count. I know how much cake i can/cannot eat that day etc. Don't deprive yourself of things you like, just eat them in moderation. If you completely cut back like I used to, you're bound to fail because you can't keep that up forever & ever (atleast i couldn't and have heard from many others they can't either) just eat whatever you love, just less of it. Watch your portion sizes. It's all about portion control !!!!

    Ive lost 18lbs since August 29th doing it this way :)

    add me as a friend if you'd like, we can support eachother!
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    most important thing is don't get mad... just get going. I know the feeling... but being aware of it is half the battle. Be in the present ackknowledge where it all went wrong then change it.... find the spot that took you out so to speak and then come up with a plan to deal with it should it arise again. most of alll don't quit. have been at it since my twenties and have only now acheived my most success.... good luck love.
  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! :ohwell: I've also gone up and down in weight, and I'm also determined this time to not slack off because I'm trying to get pregnant. And I refuse to put myself or our child in danger :noway:

    So...I'll send you a request and let's keep in touch. I know we can do this, and we'll do this together :flowerforyou:
  • Szycuez
    Szycuez Posts: 28
    Best thing to do is if you fall off track is get right back on....

    We are all here to support you.
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    First, stop feeling guilty. Everyone makes mistakes and life get in the way sometimes and we forget what is important. The best part of this is that you already know how to lose the weight and you know that you can do it! Let yesterday's mistake stay their and set yourself some small goals that you think are easy to reach. With each goal you reach you will feel so much better about your future success and you will be able to set more difficult goals. I think that many people stop trying because they have set goals that are way to difficult to reach and feel like they can't reach them so why bother.
    When I feel like I can't go to the gym or that I wanna eat something really horrible I just remind myself that if I let myself make this one mistake I will let myself make others after it and my goal will become more difficult to reach. You have to make the decision to change for good. I envision the body I would like to have when I am about to have another brownie or some french fries and I realize that these things will keep me from that body. Suddenly, I don't want the french fry anymore and the thought of it makes me nauseous.
    Another mistake people make is treating themselves with a "bad" food when they reach a goal. This is opposite of what you want to do and results in slower weight loss. Treat yourself to something you like to do or even something material, not something loaded with fat and calories.
    One of the best things to do to maintain motivation and also shock your body is to mix everything up as much as possible. Mix up the days and times you work out, go over on calories one day and under the next, use different cardio machines and exercises. This also makes it more fun for you!
    You took an important first step by coming back to the site now just keep taking steps in the right direction and you will arrive at your goal. Dedicate yourself. Have others hold you accountable. Believe in yourself.

    Good luck to you!:wink:
  • andeeinevansville
    Hi, I think you've made a big step already by just comming back...and the goal of trying to get pregnant is something to keep you motivated..I have 5 daughters and I have been slender for two pregnancies and heavier for the last three, and it's alot easier to carry a baby if your weight is down...Add me as a friend if you'd like..I'd love to motivate and support you on your weight loss journey..Good Luck!!
  • velvetechos
    I'm in a similar boat - autumn is hard for me because I'm a pumpkin and baked goods addict and keep going off track. I haven't gained weight back but need to get under control before I do. I keep fluctuating the same two lbs back and forth!

    The best thing I can think of is move back to small goals. Give yourself a goal for the week, a goal for the day, etc, and feel pride when they're met so that you have more motivation!
  • charrison
    It's very easy to lose track. It's very easy to just become complacant with your current lifestyle. It's easy. It's simple. It's comfortable. It's what you're used to. As much as people may not like to admit it, change is hard. REALLY REALLY hard. Especially something so huge as a lifestyle change. That's big. It takes a lot of devotion and a lot of dedication. But you can do it. There is absolutely no reason why you can't. Stop giving yourself reasons why you CAN'T and instead give yourself reasons why you CAN!! But you have to WANT this. You have to tell youself why you want this. Tell yourself that every single day.

    You WANT to lose weight AND You WANT to eat pizza, McDonalds and cake. What do you want more? Which one of those two options is more important to you and why??

    You WANT to be thin AND you WANT to sit on the couch for hours and watch TV. What do you want more? Which one of those two options is more important to you and why??

    You DON'T WANT to be overweight forever but you also DON'T WANT to work out and exercise. What do you want more? Which one of those two options is more important to you and why??

    I know the answer to those questions probably seem very rhetorical and easy for you or others to answer. But for me, they were not easy AT ALL!! They were the hardest questions I've ever had to answer. Because as much as I can sit here all day and say "WELL DUH COURTNEY, YOU OBVIOUSLY WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT AND BE THIN!!!" BUT- - - - is KNOWING that you want it enough?? Absolutely not! You have to consciously chose those things every second of every day. You have to consciously tell yourself when faced with tempation- "I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT WAAAAAYYYYYY MORE THAN I WANT THIS STUPID COOKIE".

    You can do this! You have done this and you can do this again. Don't ever give up and keep pushing yourself. Once you push past those first 10 pounds, it will start to become your "NEW NORMAL"! It will start start to be what is EASY and SIMPLE and COMFORTABLE.

    Don't hesitate to contact me anytime you wanna chat!!

    Good luck with everything!
