Ok so what is junk food?



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Holy Cow!
    Thank you for your information.
    Everyone else needs to CALM down. I mean seriously?
    Truth hurts huh?

    Funny how I never "got" that she was telling me want to eat. I'm an adult and can make my own decisions, but I am grateful for all the info I can get my hands on.

    :love: :love:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Everyone, she copy and pasted an article without saying where from. Here's the original:


    So, give credit to, or argue with the guy who actually wrote it.
  • Mesmereyes
    Mesmereyes Posts: 83 Member
    Ouch! I don't know all the information or have all the answers but in my quest to become healthy, I have found a lot of things I thought was good for me, may just be "junk food" in disquise. I'm still new and still learning so I won't weigh in on that part of the convo, but I did think a lot of the responses were quite harsh. How is what she wrote here any different than page 23 of the magazine at the checkout counter? Or the latest "this just in", or the newest research by this organization or government entitiy, or one that we are all probably familiar with.... "the new miracle fat cure"? Last year they declared pomegranites and acai berries as the miracle to cure all. This year the FDA is forcing them to pull unstantiated claims. I guess my message here, is just like I told my 12 yr old daughter about church when she asked me why she had to sit through a sermon about adultery.

    We all get a lot of information, if the situation applies to you, then take the information, study it, research it, understand, and make a choice. It if does not apply, just listen, make a mental note and if it ever comes up in the future, pull out that note as a starting place, then...study it, reseach it, understand it, and make a choice. I don't hink ProTFitness was telling us what to eat anymore than the last commercial I watched, or Chic Fila telling us to "eat more beef": and save their cows. In this enviroment where we have the message boards and exchange so much good information, that would be the same as saying everyone on heer who has had WLS is saying that is the only way to lose, or all vegans are saying that we should all be vegans, or the Couch to 5'ers are stating that program ins the only way to learn to run.

    Take what you need from here at MFP, and leave the rest behind. Kinda like what I've finally learned to do at Golden Coral...finally realizing that it's all about choice. :)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    We have a choice here and need to consciously make an effort to avoid junk foods as much as possible. If you think that’s impossible then I’m not going to sugar coat it for you, but you are simply being lazy. Think of all the benefits you will gain right away with getting rid of that unwanted fat around your midsection and being proud that you were smart enough to be aware and avoid junk foods.

    I understand why it's best to keep away from the items that the poster considers "junk food". Chemicals and preservatives that come with convenience are just plain necessary for some people. That doesn't make us lazy.. I don't consider myself lazy in the least but I eat microwavable popcorn and the occasional slice of pizza. I know they aren't always good choices but I make a conscious effort to chose the healthiest of options the majority of the time. People should be congratulated on what they're doing right.. not picking apart what they still need to change. A lot of us have made so many changes already and have come really far so this article isn't really the best advise for a large category of people on MFP. Those of us who are concentrating on losing weight are looking for things that are low calorie we've always enjoyed such as microwavable popcorn!

    I agree with the other individual who said you should site where you got the article from--- because to me when reading this it sounds like YOU'RE calling me lazy.
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    Is it me or does the "tone" of this post sound condescending?

    I have my own definitions of what junk food is. And I'm pretty passionate about my feelings about food. For me, junk food is anything that has ingredients I couldn't buy on the open market and make myself. BUT I'd never presume to tell someone else what "we" should be eating. we all have to pick our poisons. For some folks on this board walking to work might be more toxic than anything they could eat in three weeks!

    I think it's always a good idea to communicate in a way that seems egalitarian, since this weight loss journey is such an individual and personal one for each of us. The important thing is to encourage each other to live out the choices we make for ourselves

    I didn't get the tone of her being condescending...............

    I think she copied and pasted an article.

    However, I feel the same way as the article and I know you are educated about what is in the food we buy and eat..........

    A lot of people on this site are not, or they simply don't care............

    You know me Grok. I have some very impassioned views about food, the entire "medical-weightcloss-pharma-industrial complex" and I have no love for or blind devotion to "convention". And ironically, I don't disagrees at ALL with the OP or with any of the content of the article for that matter.

    Yet, yes, it still felt a bit condescending to me the way some of it was written. I now understand that it was a straight repost of some other person's article, probably a doctor who believes he/she must speak to patients as if they were sort of stupid and dense. To me, parts of it seemed to "talk down" to the reader. There are ways to communicate information and I think this post missed the mark. But that's JMO. I'm thrilled if it helped someone.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I get what she is saying, some people do want the informative articles and such, but I also get that it can come off as preachy. I admit it, I love junk food...I love that it is cheap, easy, quick and tastes yummy, I am a marketers dream. I do love healthy food as well, but certain occasions call for the junk food, and like I said, quick, easy and cheap are sometimes the determining factors in what to have for dinner when it is 8:00, I just got home, I'm starving, and I still have other crap to do.

    I'll admit, sometimes I have to stay away from these message boards because the "never ever cheat, never ever eat fast food, only eat organic" posts can get to me. I'm human, I CAN'T give it all up 100%, if that makes me lazy, so be it. I've found that the people who eat healthy all the time are people who have always enjoyed eating healthy, or people who are riding the new diet high. Maybe there is that rare amazing individual that turns their life around and becomes addicted to vegetables and never looks back, but I think the majority of people who were overweight because of lack of exercise and/or their love of junkfood will always struggle to some degree with staying away.

    Yes, I do sometimes worry about the chemicals and processed crap...my grandpa was a farmer, mostly ate his own fruits, veggies and meat and did not start taking a single prescription until he was in his 80's, and died at the ripe old age of 88. On the flip side, my great grandma lived to be 97 and lived on nothing but coffee, cigarettes and the occasional baked good for the last 10-15 years of her life. So who the hell knows.

    Bottom line is, I would rather be pretty healthy, perhaps a few pounds overweight my whole life, and eat McDonalds once a month if that is what I want than to eat food I hate (at times, if it's not what I want). I also would like to come here and get support, rather than made to feel like I am a lazy loser because I don't eat like a rabbit all day long. I know that isn't the intent, but negative pressure can have just as bad of results on a diet as junk food can....afterall, I was doing great, had lost 50 pounds, but the pressure of losing the last of my weight before my wedding has actually contributed to me gaining 13 pounds back. I can't remember where I read it, but it was a quote in regards to eating super healthy and exercising all the time, it went something like this, "All of those super healthy people are going to feel pretty stupid one day dying of nothing". I'd be pretty pissed if I ate right and exercised all my life, only to get taken out by a bus someday.

    However, there is also the option of not reading posts such as these. I know, easier said than done, but take it as you will.
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    You should always cite an article or it can be taken as plagiarism. Better yet just post a link and say it was helpful to you. It did sound like it was her own words. But I agree with other posts. You can take the info and use it or ignore it. It’s all about choices.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Y'all crack me up! You guys are eating junk food with a defensive weapon called myfitnesspal that helps you to determine how much of the junk you can eat. How many people do you think have the knowledge and weaponry at their disposal when it comes to tackling a Big Mac? And as many of you pointed out, I eat it every once in awhile. Well, I know people that eat out at least once a day, and they are morbidly obese. If you put your kids on fast food, you'll shorten their lives. How much proof do you need? I have a seventeen-year-old nephew that loves McDonald's. He has type II diabetes now. He's twice as big as I was when I was seventeen. He eats two sausage biscuits for breakfast, and two double meats for lunch. I was only 150 pounds at seventeen, and he weighs nearly 300 pounds. When I go to the gym, I see several people poking their fingers in order to get a blood glucose. This obesity epidemic is fueled by the fast food industry, and y'all know it.

    If I eat fast food, will I be fat? No. Let's not play games with this. If you buy a Carl's Junior burger for lunch, take a few bites, and throw the rest away, you'll be just fine. But if you go to Carl's Junior, buy the burger, fries, and drink, and eat it all, you'll eventually see weight gain. When you add dinner on top of that and breakfast too, you'll eventually see an increase in your waist size. And if you don't believe there's a problem, come to Oklahoma and take a good look at your future.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    IT was copied from a site and the site apparently did not copy when I pasted it. Good lord I dont have time to write articales like this. My appoligies that the web page did not copy with it.


    Thought I would share good information. Get people to think and knowlage is power:smile:
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Y'all crack me up! You guys are eating junk food with a defensive weapon called myfitnesspal that helps you to determine how much of the junk you can eat. How many people do you think have the knowledge and weaponry at their disposal when it comes to tackling a Big Mac? And as many of you pointed out, I eat it every once in awhile. Well, I know people that eat out at least once a day, and they are morbidly obese. If you put your kids on fast food, you'll shorten their lives. How much proof do you need? I have a seventeen-year-old nephew that loves McDonald's. He has type II diabetes now. He's twice as big as I was when I was seventeen. He eats two sausage biscuits for breakfast, and two double meats for lunch. I was only 150 pounds at seventeen, and he weighs nearly 300 pounds. When I go to the gym, I see several people poking their fingers in order to get a blood glucose. This obesity epidemic is fueled by the fast food industry, and y'all know it.

    If I eat fast food, will I be fat? No. Let's not play games with this. If you buy a Carl's Junior burger for lunch, take a few bites, and throw the rest away, you'll be just fine. But if you go to Carl's Junior, buy the burger, fries, and drink, and eat it all, you'll eventually see weight gain. When you add dinner on top of that and breakfast too, you'll eventually see an increase in your waist size. And if you don't believe there's a problem, come to Oklahoma and take a good look at your future.

    Thanks for your toughts :-) :-}
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Um ... microwaved popcorn is high in sodium so people with high blood pressure probably shouldn't eat it. About twenty-years or so ago, the movie theaters used to use coconut oil to cook the popcorn. It use to smell sooooooo good and be soooooooo yellow. Unfortunately, the coconut oil was so bad for people's health that the FDA had to step in to have it removed. I use to work at the theater back in those days, and I remember having chest pains after eating a bag. Today's movie theater popcorn shouldn't be near as bad as it used to be. Anyway, I promise you that the obesity epidemic in America has very little to do with popcorn.
  • kaymiller2
    Reduced fat ice cream....have it every night...yep..a full cup...and almost always stay under my calories.

    Why it ISN'T "junk food" to me, its a wonderful daily treat that I allow myself for exercising and eating right!

    In my serving: Calcium 20%, Protein 6g, fat, carbs, sugar, yep yep yep!

    Also included are delicious chocolate chips...

    I know I could eat a carrot stick and celery for a night time snack...but what fun would that be...and what would I look forward to in the evenings as the children are sleeping and I curl up on the couch with my husband?

    I TOTALLY agree!!! :):) I think the whole 'healthy eating' thing is overrated. Some of the sickest friends I have are the 'healthy eaters'. And I so am not gonna give up my treat at night with my hubs! WOOT! :D My motto is: "exercise, eat right, die anyways". We all will, ya know! (never mind that I eat home made, mostly heallthy food! but oh how I love a Big Mac!!;)
    PS - and the OP needs to relax. live and let live. No one was asking you for help.
  • jimmydeanbakker

    I TOTALLY agree!!! :):) I think the whole 'healthy eating' thing is overrated. Some of the sickest friends I have are the 'healthy eaters'. And I so am not gonna give up my treat at night with my hubs! WOOT! :D My motto is: "exercise, eat right, die anyways". We all will, ya know! (never mind that I eat home made, mostly heallthy food! but oh how I love a Big Mac!!;)
    PS - and the OP needs to relax. live and let live. No one was asking you for help.

    Yeah. Many people with health problems eat healthy in order to keep their health problems under control.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    PROFITTNESS, next time you copy and paste, just cite your source and ALWAYS use " " when you do....

    like.......acrording to an article out of the National Enquirer, " Brittney is now sober"

    this way, its not your words that you are using and upsetting to others here on the board.......its plagurism, and in college, you can be expelled for plagurizing articles with out using " " , as well as the place, time, date of your citing/source
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Good Grief. People are way too defensive. The OP was just trying to introduce another perspective. Obviously she should've mentioned that this was an article that she was copy/pasting, but I'm sure she'll never make that mistake again!!

    Do I agree that everything listed in that article can, in some way, be called junk food? Yes. Am I going to give all of it up? No. Will I LIMIT the "junk food" I do eat? Yes. Most people aren't willing to eat a completely clean diet, and you don't have to in order to be healthy.

    I think this article is written with a rather condescending tone, but it does have some value. Some people think that they can eat whatever they want and be healthy as long as they are at the right number of calories... but if you're really striving to be healthy, you need to take a serious look at what you eat. Everyone would benefit from ditching more of the processed foods and eating more fresh foods. Will an occasional treat/"junk food" meal hurt? No. But if you CAN'T go a day without eating frozen pizza, ice cream, a candy bar, chips, etc., or if you have those type of items in every meal/snack, then you may want to reconsider how healthy your diet really is.

    For people getting offended and saying that people weren't asking for the OP's advice... this is a nutrition/fitness website where people come to get healthy! It's full of people giving/asking for advice. If you feel this advice doesn't apply to you, then don't read it. I ignore tons of posts that either don't apply to me, I don't agree with, or I'm not interested in. No need to bash the OP for putting a different (though pretty extreme) perspective out there.
  • lesley12345
    lesley12345 Posts: 89 Member
    Wow, I think we need to chill out.
    1. We are all on here for the sole purpose to get healthy and in shape, and we are supposed to be a support.
    2. Maybe Pro-Fitness should of referenced the website, but that doesn't mean she was trying to talk down to anybody. I think she was just trying to be helpful and it came off critical to some people
    3. We all know that these foods aren't the best foods to be eating, and if in moderation they are okay to eat as long as we are filling our bodies with healthy foods the rest of the time, but some people out there are eating these foods all the time.

    Thank you ProFitness for trying to be helpful and encouraging, maybe next time find a source that gives a little more explanation to why things are bad, I think people need answers and just want logical explanations and maybe they won't feel so "judged".
    Keep motivating people, that's what this is all about! =)
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    accountant, hi............you make a good honest post, esp when you talk about processed foods........Im not judging, Im here to help anyone looking to lose weight with any knowledge or information that I have , or that I have read. Im sure Profittness will cite all her articles

    I did notice one thing, and again, Im not dissing, or judging or looking for any drama

    Buttttt.,when I read posts of people not losing weight, they all have something in common.......... processed foods

    and those are foods that contain hidden processed or refined sugars, or worse., sodium

    Its hard to eat healthy, but the best way is to really add lots of fruits and vegetables. If you can, for the most, you can lose, but if your diet has lots of processed foods, its rough

    Accountboi..........did you ever find any information about pasta....you mentioned that its also processed food , and you use very little?

    I always thought pasta, actually, multli grained Barilla pasta was kinda OK for a person? Any information would be helpful....thanks, Lloyd
  • lesley12345
    lesley12345 Posts: 89 Member
    Reduced fat ice cream....have it every night...yep..a full cup...and almost always stay under my calories.

    Why it ISN'T "junk food" to me, its a wonderful daily treat that I allow myself for exercising and eating right!

    In my serving: Calcium 20%, Protein 6g, fat, carbs, sugar, yep yep yep!

    Also included are delicious chocolate chips...

    I know I could eat a carrot stick and celery for a night time snack...but what fun would that be...and what would I look forward to in the evenings as the children are sleeping and I curl up on the couch with my husband?

    I TOTALLY agree!!! :):) I think the whole 'healthy eating' thing is overrated. Some of the sickest friends I have are the 'healthy eaters'. And I so am not gonna give up my treat at night with my hubs! WOOT! :D My motto is: "exercise, eat right, die anyways". We all will, ya know! (never mind that I eat home made, mostly heallthy food! but oh how I love a Big Mac!!;)
    PS - and the OP needs to relax. live and let live. No one was asking you for help.

    Seriosly why are you on this site if this is your attitude towards healthy eating and living? For those you know who eat healthy and still die of health problems there are a lot of people with severe health issues who don't eat right and don't exercise. and your comment about noone is asking for your help isn't true, anyone who's on this site, reading these posts are on here for HELP! Otherwise we wouldn't be on a Fitness website, get a grip!
  • lesley12345
    lesley12345 Posts: 89 Member
    Seriosly why are you on this site if this is your attitude towards healthy eating and living? For those you know who eat healthy and still die of health problems there are a lot of people with severe health issues who don't eat right and don't exercise. and your comment about noone is asking for your help isn't true, anyone who's on this site, reading these posts are on here for HELP! Otherwise we wouldn't be on a Fitness website, get a grip!
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    Good Grief. People are way too defensive. The OP was just trying to introduce another perspective. Obviously she should've mentioned that this was an article that she was copy/pasting, but I'm sure she'll never make that mistake again!!

    Do I agree that everything listed in that article can, in some way, be called junk food? Yes. Am I going to give all of it up? No. Will I LIMIT the "junk food" I do eat? Yes. Most people aren't willing to eat a completely clean diet, and you don't have to in order to be healthy.

    I think this article is written with a rather condescending tone, but it does have some value. Some people think that they can eat whatever they want and be healthy as long as they are at the right number of calories... but if you're really striving to be healthy, you need to take a serious look at what you eat. Everyone would benefit from ditching more of the processed foods and eating more fresh foods. Will an occasional treat/"junk food" meal hurt? No. But if you CAN'T go a day without eating frozen pizza, ice cream, a candy bar, chips, etc., or if you have those type of items in every meal/snack, then you may want to reconsider how healthy your diet really is.

    For people getting offended and saying that people weren't asking for the OP's advice... this is a nutrition/fitness website where people come to get healthy! It's full of people giving/asking for advice. If you feel this advice doesn't apply to you, then don't read it. I ignore tons of posts that either don't apply to me, I don't agree with, or I'm not interested in. No need to bash the OP for putting a different (though pretty extreme) perspective out there.

    Well put Trent!!