Cheat day

So_Um_Yeah Posts: 39 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I know there has been discussions on here about a cheat day, and I know for me personally one day a month where I'm not as strict with myself as usual sounds like it could work for me. I don't want to get rid of everything completely. I also have been toying with the idea of doing this for major holidays and my birthday only. I don't know what I should do. Any stories or suggestions are welcome.


  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't give up anything and I do that without needing a cheat day. I just eat smaller portions of certain things and plan for them.

    As for holidays and birthdays ... Well, I don't necessarily stay on plan those days, but I don't call them "cheat" days, either. They're just days I'm not going to worry about my weight.

    I had two days a couple weeks ago for my daughter's birthday and they resulted in a 5-pound gain. I lost 4 the following week, but I didn't lose all 5. So, I'm behind because of them. To me, it's not worth undoing a month's worth of work to pig out on junk.

    If you want some candy, eat some candy. Just plan it and don't eat a bagful, if that makes sense.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    if it helps you stay on track for the rest of the month, and you don't go to crazy with it, I say have at it! In fact, in some limited cases, having what some call a "cheat" meal (not a whole day in most cases), can actually promote the cessation of a plateau by shocking the body a little bit and throwing it a bit of a left hook (so to speak).
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I try to not do a cheat 'day', but on special occassions a cheat meal is ok. I make sure to keep my cal totals under my BMR for the day, but I do let myself go above my goal. Birthdays, holidays, etc. In my opinion, I think it's reasonable. After you lose all the weight, will you never ever eat a piece of cake or an order of fries?? I just try to boost my exercise in the days before and after my cheat meal.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    I have alloted one day per week to not counting my calories. I think this is more to keep me sane than anything. I have also decided that when Thanksgiving and Christmas get here and I'm with family, I will eat what I want. I am hoping, though, that because of all my hardwork to lose before the holidays, I will eat in moderation and maybe not crave so much of the sweet stuff. I also don't want to start 2011 where I was for most of 2010.

    I think that overall it is an individual decision on what each person can and cannot handle.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    A CHEAT day??? **GASP** ;)

    I think one day a month is doable. If at all possible, try to plan for it. I went out to eat last Saturday but I planned for it first and stuck with my plan (including getting my exercise in that day). Usually I don't eat my exercise calories but I did on that day. And enjoyed it! I had a 1.3 gain the following morning but I didn't panic because I knew it was water from the sodium. So I was really good yesterday and chugged my water and this morning it was gone! I think having a day of freedom once in awhile is going to keep us all sane. After all, this is a lifestyle change and things are going to come up. It all comes down to how we handle it.

    As far as Thanksgiving goes, I will tackle that by keeping with proper sized portions. I'm not going to deny myself anything, but I'm not going to go overboard either. And I've already talked several family members into walking with me that day! Here's hoping we have good weather that day! ;)
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