48 yr female nn to lose 40lbs

I have done the 1200 calories before - however I am 1200 calories by eating the paleo way with the exception of alcohol as I like to have a drink at the end of the day if I so choose. I read vodka & seltzer are the best options. I have lost weight since Tuesday when I weighed in today! I hope I can do this as I don't feel comfortable in my body I hate having my picture taken or don't even feel attractive any more along with weight and aging process:(. I need to whip myself into shape before y vacation in July to the Vineyard and lose at least 40 pounds!


  • I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but depending on your height/BMI/ current Body Fat %, 1200 is very low. You may need to up the calories so that your body isn't holding onto every bit of nutrition you are giving it. Have you played around the the numbers? Feel free to send me a message and I can brainstorm and help with a few other ideas, too :)
  • Hi - I'm 5 feet 7 inches and 181- I actually feel pretty good not feeling hungry after I do eat and drink my water intake. I am one of those people that want everything yesterday! Lol