A few problems in my weightloss (ie- hubby)

wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Seems, ever since he has returned from basic/ait training (gone half year) i have put on 15 lbs I had JUST lost when he was gone. But, being that he is home, and we have four ppl eating, and major tight budget... we cannot afford to much stuff. what we do get needs to feed the boys too. but my sister and i (both living together as roomies and dieting) seem to have trouble dieting when meals are being prepared for the house. I only cook one meal a day, this is a house of adults and the others are there responsibility, but somehow the eating is to much. i have trouble staying under 1600 cals.

before i lost weight by eating 1000 on lazy days, 1200 on moderate and 1400 on active days. I'm active (burning at least 200 cals everyday, but often 500-1000) and ate bigger meal at lunch, and just veggies or soup at dinner.

but cannot afford extra stuff for me when we got so much stuff to pay for and he can't find work, so income is limited like crazy.

I realize i need to cut back on sweets, and baking comfort food. I enjoy cooking goodies for ppl. but i shouldn't be eating them. only dark chocolate.

he wants to be supportive and portions my food. but its the meals that put me over. my meals (all 6 a day) shouldn't exceed 200-250 cals.

idk, i'm frustrated, and tired. i workout so much, and i'm not one who likes spending so much time working out. i don't think its working and i'm lost as to how to fix the problem. i can't just not eat because i cant eat healthy. and we are to broke for that. and i cant burn 2000 a day working out. so idk.



  • fiafia
    fiafia Posts: 8
    You could try just half portions......just a thought !:flowerforyou:

  • Brat3073
    Brat3073 Posts: 160
    I KNOW ABOUT A TIGHT BUDGET, I SHOP FOR A FAMILY OF 5 ON A 80 DOLLAR A WEEK GROCERY BUDGET. oops, dumb caps lock button.......i eat alot of free foods...heres a list.....

    Alfalfa Sprouts, Arugula, Asparagus, Bamboo Shoots, Bean Sprouts, Bibb Lettuce, Bok Choy,
    Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Cilantro, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Endive, Kale, Kohlrabi,
    Mushrooms, Onions, Parsley, Peppers, Radishes, Romaine Lettuce, Scallions, Spinach, Summer Squash,

    Coffee, Plain Water, Carbonated water, Unsweetened tea

    Horseradish, Mustard, Lemon juice, tomato salsa, Lime juice, Vinegar

    Cooking spray, Flavored extracts, Garlic, Herbs, Spices, Worcestershire sauce.

    It really helps using all the free's that you can, make you grocery bill a little smaller. We eat alot of chicken turkey and veggies....buy froxen, not canned......less sodium....and steamed rather than fully cooked....more nutrients that way!

    Its possible to eat healthy on a budget...let me know if you would like some recipies. My hubby and kids dont even realize they are eating healthy!
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    I agree that you can eat on a budget and lose weight if you just eat smaller portions. If you eat 6 times a day like you say.... you could also cut out 1-2 of those and only eat 4-5 times per day if you can't seem to eat smaller meals.
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    It does seem eating right is more difficult on a budget. the fruits and veggies, are something that seems to be cut back on since, they are so expensive these days. and more pre-packaged stuff gets added. its cheap. when you are feeding a family on a budget, your health is the first that gets cut.

    I don't snack during the day at work. So I eat pretty much the same thing mon-fri for breakfast and lunch.
    oatmeal, and then a sandwich and jello for lunch. jello is just something extra to fill the stomach up, and only has 10 calories. plus its really cheap.

    then my main meal comes at dinner. usually I dont' have to watch my calories too much, because I didn't eat much throughout the day. but I try to keep it down to the serving size. then if I went over on calories that day. I add in some more exercise before bed. after the kids are in bed.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Are you ready to put forth an honest effort? If so, I'd say you know what you need to do. If not, I'd say wait til the time that you regroup and can truly focus instead of driving yourself crazy about it.
    If you're on such a tight budget, maybe you should cut out the baking (for others) and focus on fresh/whole snacks & treats. Personally, I couldn't have a 250 calorie dinner for a sustained period of time, it just wouldn't work with my lifestyle.
    I'd have to readjust my menu planning to accomodate a dinner with my family.

    Also, the less weight you have to lose, the slower it is to come off.
  • soup is a great comfort food that everyone can enjoy. and some of the most delicious soups are under 200 calories for a serving. and vegetables are cheaper than meat so why not try making a vegetarian soup. there are some great recipes for all vegetable soups that are all under 200 calories (some are only 100 or even less) on VegetarianTimes.com (just search soup with the "low calorie" option checked ON). remember you dont have to be a vegetarian to eat a vegetarian meal, and remember that vegetables are cheaper than meat most of the time. you can buy healthier foods that way.

    and just a suggestion: can you guys qualify for food stamps? because my best friend has them and she manages to still afford getting healthy food that way. just because something is organic or "health food" doesnt mean you cant buy it with food stamps if its sold at a store that accepts them. if he cant get a job there is no shame in getting some help. everyone deserves to eat healthy.

    i hope you can figure out a solution to your weight gain problem and i hope my advise has helped if even a little
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    soup is a great comfort food that everyone can enjoy. and some of the most delicious soups are under 200 calories for a serving. and vegetables are cheaper than meat so why not try making a vegetarian soup. there are some great recipes for all vegetable soups that are all under 200 calories (some are only 100 or even less) on VegetarianTimes.com (just search soup with the "low calorie" option checked ON). remember you dont have to be a vegetarian to eat a vegetarian meal, and remember that vegetables are cheaper than meat most of the time. you can buy healthier foods that way.

    and just a suggestion: can you guys qualify for food stamps? because my best friend has them and she manages to still afford getting healthy food that way. just because something is organic or "health food" doesnt mean you cant buy it with food stamps if its sold at a store that accepts them. if he cant get a job there is no shame in getting some help. everyone deserves to eat healthy.

    i hope you can figure out a solution to your weight gain problem and i hope my advise has helped if even a little

    well, you'de think we'de qualify. our area is falling apart, I have not been able to find a job for a year, my hubby has not since he got back, and my sisters hubby got laid off. so she is the only one working, 2 outta 3 have unemployment, but still we did not qualify for food stamps. we tried 3 times now. we been using angelfood, and they have a produce box, but my hubby never want to get it because he says it will go bad to fast.

    oh, and... the comfort food i norm make is with whatever we have here, i nevergo out and buy the stuff. plus ppl send us stuff knowing we are tight, and i get some from it. ppl never send halthy stuff!

    one thing i do try to do, is we shop at a discount grocery so i get aot of fiber one stuff. they have ensures, fiber one, etc,. cheap there.

    my hubby eats with me each meal while he is out of wok, he makes some of my lunches, etc, so thats one way my cals get out of hand. but he is being sweet. he trys to help, just doesn't fully get the concept i try to explain.

    guess i could start cutting my meals down into halves. he feeds me less than them, but its not half. i might need to start weighing my food out.

    and the soup opt will def work! ty
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