Coming back to the only thing that has worked!

Hi everyone,

I have just today started re-using the MFP app on my phone. About six months ago I was using it regularly and it really helped me to focus on what I was eating and how exercise was helping me. I lost around 5kg.

I stopped using it (as you do, sometimes), thinking that I would continue weight loss just through the SHEER POWER OF MY MIND! Don't you love how that happens?

Pretty soon, my bad eating and no exercise habits crept back in. Portion sizes, bad choices, no knowledge of nutrition - all these things contributed to my re-gaining those 5kg plus 2kg more. I think the main problem was a big ol' case of head-stuck-in-the-sand.

I have just returned from holidays where some photos were taken. Usually I'm good at dodging photos, it helps maintain my delusion that I'm losing weight/looking great! But not this time, and seeing the photos has made me realise how big of a problem I have (no pun intended).

So, I am returning to the one thing that helped me lose weight last time, with the added extra of finding a community to support me here on the MFP forums.

I look forward to sharing my successes with you all :-)
