In Route to Skinny Me

Hello - I started using this website last week because I needed a way to track my protein intake. I have been in the Weight Watchers (WW) program since March and have lost 30 lbs. I recently started training with a personal trainer that asked me to track my protein intake along with the my WW points so I can start building lean muscle.

I work out five days a week. I do various weight lifting circuits and run 30 minutes on the treadmill (3 times a week). I also go to a spin class twice a week for an hour to get a really good cardio workout. I'm currently registered to do my third marathon and hope to finish it in less than 5 hours.

I still have 15 lbs. left to lose to be at my goal weight so I hope with the exercise, good eating habits and now the personal trainer I can make that goal happen before December.


  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    This is outstanding, Cynthia! Way to go!!

    I did WW back in 2006 and muay thai kickboxing and lost 40 lbs in 3 months. It's great! Keep up the great work!

    I just recently started with a personal trainer as well - I LOVE her, she makes the workouts tough, but fun. I see her twice a week and then do kickboxing for an hour once a week (so that I'm doing my 3 days in the gym). In a couple of weeks, I hope to add some more cardio extreme routines and perhaps a mind/body routine, such as yoga or pilates. My goal is to be in the gym daily by Decemeber, doing at least 1-2 hour workouts. I'm a member of an amzing fitness club that offers just about everything you can ever imagine, but tracking everything here on MFP will make all the difference. I'm determined to get my fit/toned body back!

    I'm so excited for you having that goal of doing another marathon! I only WISH that I loved to run too!
  • cynthiaf10
    Way to go to you too Tammi!

    You know you can always walk a marathon - many people do it. :wink:

    My gym has all the perks too. I love it! I only have a personal trainer for once a month to make sure I'm on track with my goal. I'm also part of a contest the gym is doing that will end April 2011. Winner gets a all expense paid vacation! I may not have a lot of weight to lose, but I do have a lot of body fat to lose so I'm fare competition LOL. :tongue:
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Thanks! And that's awesome! I wanted to take part in the Total Body Challege at my gym (sounds like the one you're in), but the entrance fee is a bit steep for me at the moment. The winner of the challege get $2,500. Would be nice! They do it each season, so maybe in the Spring I'll compete.

    I hadn't thought about walking a marathon, but I would do it now that I know that I can!
    I'm adding it to my list of goals!!