Lifting Question

BigDog Posts: 272 Member
Hey all,

I have been doing SL 5x5 off and on for close to a year now. (I am also trying to lose a fair amount of weight) Unfortunately, because of my bad habits, and lazy ways... I have yet to completely finish one whole session. I will go good for a number of weeks and then slack off for a period of time and then come back to it and start it over again.

So here's my question:
If I miss a couple week span should I just be starting where I left off or should I be dropping the weight back a bit, or should I just start from the beginning again. Starting from beginning is what I have done several times, but I always feel like it's a waste of time. (Other than working on perfecting form of course)

I know most answers to this are going to be listen to your body and maintain good form, but I guess I'm curious, am I really losing any real strength gain in two weeks? I mean I don't feel weaker, but of course I don't want to hurt myself either. Any thoughts on best practice in this situation?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    If you miss a couple of weeks I wouldn't deload....I would start where I left off and know I am gonna be sore as heck tho.

    Definately not start from the beginning...what a waste of time.

    I took 12 days off for vacation down south, came back did the same weight I left at and that was it.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    After a 2 week deload you are likely to come back stronger than ever. A lot of powerlifters advocate a 2 week deload prior to a competition. Personally, I think 1 week is optimal but you're not likely to lose any significant amount of strength from a 2 week break.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Start were you were if you can (without hurting yourself, or losing form). If you can't go back like 10%. I would not start completely over.
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Thanks for the feedback!

    Yea I was thinking I would start just picking up where I left off, but wanted to get a few opinions or experiences to see if people agreed, or thought a different approach would be preferable.

    I'm hoping to actually (and finally) finish the program at least once. I enjoy it but life and my bad habits keep derailing me. (working on that though... Slowly improving that part of my personality.)

    Thanks again!