Looking for some help...

Hey guys,
Ive been apart of MFP for about 5-6 Months, and I have really been struggling with finding what is going to work for me.
Ive lost 16-17 pounds and I plateaued for about 2 months, I was very depressed about it!
I ate junk for a while! and although I still tetter between weights its only been 1-2ponds but still.
I really want to find something that works for me, and stick with it,
I need some suggestions on what I could be doing wrong.
I started eating 1200 cals a day and I can manage to eat just that many calories "barely"
I decided to up it when I hit a plateu and wasn't seeing change, but I haven't weighed my self because I don't want to be disappointed.
I do eat a "bad meal" but it fits in my calories usually, Im not sure if I should stop eating such a big dinner, or what???
EECCKK im so confused! I cannot eat JUST lettace although I do like Salads and I love veggies and fruits and "healthy" foods, I eat a lot of healthy things but I feel like I somehow don't get the right formula!
Im doing Cardio exercise at least 3x a week, usually 4 and I rarely drink pop, justr water some days Wine. but I don't drink a lot of alcohol either.
Im not sure what to do, cut out starches?
please help!


  • rak173
    rak173 Posts: 105 Member
    Here are a few things I would try:

    -Up your calories a bit and eat back at least 50% of your exercised calories. If you are having a hard time doing this, add some milk to your meals, add some PB to your celery, etc.
    -Are you hitting your macros? Take a look at those and try to adjust.
    -Eat a few smaller meals or add snacks into the mix throughout the day. You can still have your big dinner if you want, but make sure your eating adequately throughout the rest of the day.
  • chickenchaser78
    chickenchaser78 Posts: 89 Member
    You need to find some good blogs to read and follow. Nerdfitness.com is great. http://mollygalbraith.com/ is a wonderful voice for women and fitness. Very realistic, very healthy approach. There should be articles out there on how many calories your body truly needs. Rarely is 1200 enough and it will set you up to binge eventually. The idea is to do things that you can stick with for a lifetime.
  • loosinit42806
    loosinit42806 Posts: 142 Member
    thank you!
  • OnU2nite
    OnU2nite Posts: 23 Member
    Don't get discouraged by a number! Weight is a horrible tool for determining fitness progress. People are so quick to throw out days or weeks worth of research and planning just to try something else because the scale doesn't move. Have you taken measurements? Progress Pics? how do you feel? Do your clothes fit differently?

    1200 calories seems a little low but I don't know all your info so I cant really address that. If you get light headed when you stand up then you aren't eating enough. As far as the bad meal. fine! keep your sanity BUT your next meal should be eaten as planned . Eat 1200+bad meal for that day. The extra calories from a bad meal 1-2 times a week wont destroy your diet.
    If I had to address the issue you are having, Its your cardio. Its where most everybody has trouble. Everyone I talk to goes through the motion but very few actually DO cardio.

    What I suggest....

    NO SUGAR!!!!
    Drink water.
    Don't eat an hour before bed
    Your MACROS should be split evenly between meals and all contain protein/carb/fat
    Most importantly...Cardio 3-5 times a week for 30-40 min.

    You are successfully completing your cardio if

    You are sweating
    You are breathing hard enough that you can NOT hold a conversation with the person on the machine next to you.
    Your legs are like those of a baby deer trying to stand for the first time when you are done.

    Follow these golden rules and enjoy progress. THEN...Once you start to see/feel change in your body you can adjust your diet. Your body will let you know when its time. Sounds crazy right? Almost like a mothers instinct. You'll see.
  • Cheri0830
    Cheri0830 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a firm believer in balanced meals, protein, vegtables, grains, fruit a form of calcium, I'm more satisfied when I eat balanced, verses all protiens or all carbs.Your less likely to snack, or when you need snacks, try good for you snacks, nuts, dried fruits, yogurt, light version of cheese, and a good for you type of cracker or bread.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    You don't have to totally avoid anything. Cutting out sugar? Seriously only if you have a medical reason to do so. That doesn't mean you should drink sugar water though. Moderation and balance. For higher calorie, higher fat, higher sugar foods: have less of them. Much of your sugar should come from natural sources (like fruit) but that doesn't mean you are to banish cookies forever.

    Fitness Myth: you must work up a sweat to be working out 'hard enough'. Sweating is how your body cools itself. So naturally you'll sweat less if you are running in 40 degree weather vs. a 70 degree gym.

    And you don't want to be going so hard that you can't speak.
  • loosinit42806
    loosinit42806 Posts: 142 Member
    thank you all so much,
    A friend says I eat too many carbs so I will work on that,
    I do eat crackers (cheez-its
    ) as snacks or goldfish but I also eat a lot of fresh fruit.
    I do have days I eat more "unhealthy" but I have a lot of great advice! thank you so much!