Questions about decreasing Sugar



  • I cut out all refined sugar. This includes white bread and white pasta. The first few weeks was hard. I fought cravings with fruit (gotta be careful because fruit can add calories but I found it worth the trade because it did ease the cravings).
    After a few weeks it gets better and you stop craving the unnatural sugary stuff. Not to say it's never a temptation but it does get easier.
    I disagree with those who say that you don't have to give up the sugar and 'all in moderation'. For me, that does not work because I binge on sugar and have somewhat of an addiction. If I start on it, I will be miserable trying to fight the cravings. I've been off of it for several months and it's the best thing I've ever done for my health. I feel so much more energy. Mind is clearer too.
    I don't know if you like the sparkling water but it was a great trade for me from soda. Wishing you luck.
  • chloematilds
    chloematilds Posts: 111 Member
    id say replace them.instead.

    how about swapping some sweet.processed.sweets with sweet fruits? the fiber in fruits helps not.overeat will.feel. more satiated. as a bonus, you get added.nutrients
  • jbaerbock
    jbaerbock Posts: 85 Member
    I'm down to just below the MFP recommended sugar level for me per day [about 73 i think it was]. Some days I'm down to 40 other days im 2 over but I typicaly stay around the 70 mark. All the sugars are naturaly occuring in vegetables or fruits or dairy [yogurt].