Gym Etiquette?

TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Quick question regarding manners in the gym. I know a lot of people have issues with folks exercising and talking on the phone. I assume it's because it's considered disruptive.

However I was hoping once I get an MP3 player to upload some German practice and maybe even follow along out loud. This wouldn't be at a high decibel. Most of it would be done under my breath since I'll probably be out of breath from actually exercising.

What I want to know is if that is considered rude? Would I be better off just silently listening to music?

Thank you in advance for your input!


  • I'd say it'd only be rude if they could directly hear you. You're wearing a headset so there's no reason for them to ultimately complain. I see people talking to themselves all the time in the gym, but no one bothers to complain. I'd say no, don't worry about it, do what you want just don't get too out of hand. =)
  • sjaudio
    sjaudio Posts: 52
    Considering that most people (at least at my gym) are already listening to music, I doubt that you're be annoying anyone by talking under your breath.
  • it should be fine except the fact that people will probably think your the crazy lady talking to herself. lol
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I think as long as your not screaming it in a scary German voice you'll be fine! lol.. I don't go to an actual gym but I think I'd be annoyed if someone was on the phone.. but listening to music or even singing along.. hey I wish more people would sing outload!

    I go to zumba and we're always singin along (helps with the workout too!)
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    I'm the crazy lady singing to herself, occasionally with hand gestures. :)

    Maybe leave one earphone off, so you can hear if you are actually speaking out loud?
  • As far as I'm concerned, gym etiquette has nothing to to with noise, talking, even grunting or screaming. Anyone lifting weights is going to make strange noises, so I don't see how talking in German is rude in any way. Gym etiquette is more to do with putting your stuff by a treadmill/cycle/machine, and then going to change. The whole concept of "reserving" some piece of equipment is completely rude.

    I work out in my garage, but I'm always saying things like "SAIIYAAHHH!!" and stuff. Can't push 100% without exerting a little something else, ya know?
  • cuddlegrl
    cuddlegrl Posts: 101 Member
    As far as I'm concerned, gym etiquette has nothing to to with noise, talking, even grunting or screaming. Anyone lifting weights is going to make strange noises, so I don't see how talking in German is rude in any way. Gym etiquette is more to do with putting your stuff by a treadmill/cycle/machine, and then going to change. The whole concept of "reserving" some piece of equipment is completely rude.

    I work out in my garage, but I'm always saying things like "SAIIYAAHHH!!" and stuff. Can't push 100% without exerting a little something else, ya know?

    Haha. This is true. When I go to the gym the guys lifting the big weights are always making funny noises!! me? more like groans! lol!

    So long as your not bothering anyone you should be fine (and what your describing doesnt sound like it would bother anyone). I text on my phone when I am on the treadmill during warm ups and cool downs and since I am not bothering anyone there is nothing wrong with it. And another poster said that most people have headphones already and thats true too.
  • Usually everyone is tuned into their own music and wouldn't hear you anyway. I experienced rudeness recently. I went into a class and quickly stationed myself in the back corner and remained quiet and kept to myself. In walks an old obnoxious lady and screams "Who's in the corner over there! OH NO!! That's my security corner, you need to find another spot".

    I was mortified. Didn't realize I had to obtain a cheating chart before class. LOL I am working up the courage to go back.
  • ksavvy
    ksavvy Posts: 52
    I'm one of those crazy, silent (I think) singing people, too. I don't see where German practice would be any different :-)
  • ksavvy
    ksavvy Posts: 52
    Usually everyone is tuned into their own music and wouldn't hear you anyway. I experienced rudeness recently. I went into a class and quickly stationed myself in the back corner and remained quiet and kept to myself. In walks an old obnoxious lady and screams "Who's in the corner over there! OH NO!! That's my security corner, you need to find another spot".

    I was mortified. Didn't realize I had to obtain a cheating chart before class. LOL I am working up the courage to go back.

    Don't let some cranky, possessive old lady scare you away. I am very attached to "my spot," but hey, if somebody gets there first, it isn't mine, is it? Be brave, head to the front of the class, and make friends with the instructor. Good luck!
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