Hey everybody!

I'm Luke and I've just recently begun trying to lose weight again! I am 18 years old and lost about 25 pounds last summer but gained it back when I went to college. I have an unhealthy relationship with food and am trying to cut down on that. If anybody wants to be friends on here, please let me know and I'll add all of you! I need to stay inspired this time (I have a girl to impress!). :)

Here are my stats
Age: 18
Height: 6'4"
Current Weight: 251 lbs
Goal Weight: 205 lbs
Highest Weight: 260 lbs


  • smushymushy85
    First of all losing weight to impress a girl will not improve your relationship with food .. I have learned that there is always away to get those food cravings without the added calories and processed crap
    any time you need to chat or advice feel free to message /email

    My stats
    age 28
    Height 5'5
    Current weight : 231
    Goal weight 175
    Highest weight 485
  • qwicherbytchin
    You got this, Luke! Just keep at it. You may stumble along the way, but just pick yourself back up and keep going. DON'T BE A QUITTER! :)

    My stats
    Age 47
    Height 5'4
    Current weight : 230.5
    Goal weight 170
    Highest weight 245
  • lscalone95
    First of all losing weight to impress a girl will not improve your relationship with food ..
    I'm well aware of that, but why shouldn't I be able to both improve my relationship with food AND impress a girl? Thanks anyhow though!
    You got this, Luke! Just keep at it. You may stumble along the way, but just pick yourself back up and keep going. DON'T BE A QUITTER! :)

    And this is exactly right! I just need to get back onto the same track that I was at last summer and continue it through the fall and winter. If I can do that, I think I can break my bad habits and do a helluva lot better.
  • qwicherbytchin
    Don't be ashamed to post when you have a set back. And don't avoid posting it. Having people understand both the embarassement and the struggle that losing weight is is having great support. When you slip, say you slipped. You will be encouraged to keep going. You will realize that it's going to happen, and you can get past it.
  • jonfer7
    jonfer7 Posts: 8 Member
    You go for it Luke!!!