New To MFP, starting tomorrow 1200 calories/day



  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I also have my goals set to 1200 but I always end up eating between 1400-1600. I too sit at a desk 9 hours a day, but I'm getting back to the gym for half an hour every day after work. Hopefully doing some strength training will help me lose faster, and I know I'll need to eat more than 1200 a day especially when adding in exercise. I'm just scared that if I up my goal to 1400 I'll overeat by 200 calories like I do now because I get so hungry, but I can't be afraid to eat more. I have an eating out of boredom problem too!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Why 1200 calories, you don't have much to lose so set yourself for about .5 a week. Don't overstrict your food.

    I used to deal with cravings all the time, it was because I tried to tell myself I can't have something. Once I realized that if I can eat anything I want just in smaller portions, the cravings are gone.

    You can lose without exercise, but is it important yes, and we are all busy but if it's important you find a way to fit it in your schedule.

    If I followed the meal plan you put below I would be crankier than I am normally, and give up by the 3rd day (if I made it that long)

    Check out these 2 threads they might help you:

    Good luck to you

    From the last link (because this is my favorite part):

    Final Comment: There is no perfect program and you should stop looking for it. You should instead look at ways to make your diet and your training as enjoyable as possible while still meeting your goals in a time-frame that's reasonable to you. Eat foods you enjoy while hitting your calorie and nutrient targets. Structure your meal timing and frequency to best match performance and preferences. Enjoy eating calories at night? Then do it. Prefer white rice over brown? Then eat it. Want ice cream? Then find a way to have some ice cream while hitting those nutrient targets (
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I'm a single mom of two kids (6 and 8).
    I work 40 hours a week
    And drive about 1h45m total to/from work each day
    I do not do mornings well and get up around 6:30.
    I have a fairly big property - with a LOT of snow to shovel (no snowblower) in the winter, a LOT of grass to cut in the spring/summer/fall, and a LOT of leaves to rake in the fall. And I do it all by myself.

    I usually stumble out of the second kid's room by 9:30, often because I've fallen asleep while singing her to sleep.

    Then 2 or 3 nights a week I go downstairs and spend anywhere from 30 - 45 minutes working out. A combo of some treadmill time, some free weight time, and some body weight exercises. Sometimes I'll do a workout on the wii (zumba or golds gym workout).

    I usually get to bed around 12:30am. (And that is because I dawdle and chat while making the kids lunches after I workout).

    Once a week I take an hour to kill myself at boxing.
    Once a week I try to do a half hour run.

    I am at maintenance now, eating 2000 cals per day (and all my exercise calories).

    I am not trying to toot my own horn... I am trying to show you that yes, it is tough... but it is NOT impossible. And it doesn't have to be HORRIBLE.

    It is totally possible, if you really want it.

    Some Advice...
    1) Tell yourself YES I CAN instead of "no I can't"
    2) Set your goal to 0.5lb a week
    3) Set your activity level to sedentary and log all your exercise
    4) Eat back most of your exercise cals
    5) Weigh and Measure your food AND be honest with yourself
    6) Realize you are not doing a diet, you are changing your life and don't be in such a rush. You took time to get where you are. Take your time to get to where you want to be, and you're less likely to derail on the way.

    And remember... you WILL fall down. There will be days that you feel like a failure. There will be days when you are too tired to be active, and days when the stress levels of life send you into a food fit. BUT LIFE IS NOT OVER. Don't let that be an excuse to stop.

    Get up, dust off, and keep going.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi There

    I personally would:

    Low carb bagel 100 cals <== stop as much bread stuff as you can, especially white bread. Get the weight watchers bread at Safeway

    coffee or mocha 60 cals <== This is fine

    Fiber one bar or fruit with yogurt <== I eat several a day

    Turkey sandwich on light wheat bread <== Good

    carrots and hummus or apple Carrots are very high in sugar, consider celery

    popcorn (100 cal bag) and skinny cow icecream Pop corn is high in Salt and makes you want to drink more. Ice cream... just get over that

    I am currently losing 1 pound a day on average. I am doing 1350 Calories and am finding myself falling asleep comfortably full with avg of 250 cals left over if I want to.

    Drinks about 6 bottles of water a day the 16.0 fl oz size

    Good luck!


    1350 daily for a man with 16 pounds to lose? This is way under your BMR.

    It's typical to drop a bunch of water weight right off the bat.....that's what the 2 pounds (most likely) are. But, weeks of eating this few calories will result in fat + muscle loss. Read the Sexy Pants thread JWhited referenced.....very informative.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Losing weight, and changing the habits that had us gain the weight is an ongoing process. You're done when it's lights out.

    The first step is to change your mentality. Yes you can. Yes you'll have setbacks, but you'll bounce back. Yes some days will be hard, but you'll get stronger.

    The only person who can make the changes, and make the choices is you.

    Whether you decide you can or decide you can't, you're right.

    I never thought I had time for exercise when I was heavier - two kids, a full time job, a house - how could I cram anymore in? I chose to make the time - I started with 25 minutes a day, doing Jillian Michael's videos.

    I applaud you for being so dedicated to your oldest child's education; more parents should be involved. I would however be raising some serious questions about 3-4 hours of school work each night for a 6th grader. Some more effective use of class time, or a call to the teacher might shed some light and free up significant time for both of you. Tip: Sit down, read through the homework together, and get her working. Then tell her that you will come back in 1 hour to see where she is at, and help her in areas she needs it. This gives her some personal responsibility, and frees up time for you. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it.

    As for prepackaged foods - sure, we all need to rely on convenience here and there, and the foods that you listed are not terrible, but a full day of food they do not make. You'll start to figure it out real quickly that for this to be a sustainable lifestyle, deprivation will not be the answer.

    Instead of thinking of this as something short term - think of it as something permanent. Invest in yourself and everyone around you will benefit.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I recommendation is don't over do the weight loss results. I know you see yourself in the mirror and want to shed those extra pounds now, but you got to realize that it took time for you to put that weight on and it will take time to take it off.

    Here's the good news. Don't overdo the weight loss. Odds are you're at the 1,200 calories per day diet because that's the lowest fitness pal will allow you to go, and experts to boot also dont' recommend females going lower than that because it could cause pediment damage. Try for a weight loss goal of .5 lbs per week. Not only will you see a downward trend it will also give you a chance to get used to eating smarter.

    Also, any amount of weight loss is super duper as long as it's consistently trending downward. You are make a lifestyle change for the rest of your life, that's smart.