

  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    Does your gym have classes too? Many classes will do that for you, and they are FUN We all feel funny at first, but we all have to start somewhere

    My new gym does no offer classes unfortunately. It's a very small just ladies gym inside the mall. I used to take classes a couple years back but I was very young and I didn't get the full enjoyment out of them. I think I will start again, thanks for reminding me that that's a great way to work out and have fun! :)
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    I know you said no machines, but I'd suggest you do HIIT intervals on something like a recumbent bike. Not much you can do on those to look silly - assuming you do know how to ride a bike! :-)

    Just warmup then crank the resistance up and go all out for 1 min, then reduce resistance and go at a normal pace for 1 min. Repeat as many times as you like then cool down.

    Thanks! :)
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    I know what you mean about not wanting to be embarrassed, but I encourage you to learn how to use the equipment. We all had to learn at some point. Don't let your pride get in the way of learning. Maybe you can go at a time when there are fewer people there. Also, don't be afraid to ask staff or someone who is using the equipment to show you how. I wish you much success!

    One more thing. If you do something silly, laugh it off! We all do something silly once in a while. I was sitting in the Sam's Club parking lot a couple nights ago to pick up my nephew form work. I was facing the exit in my car when I saw a woman exit the build with her cart full. It was so full, she couldn't see the concrete post right in front of the cart and she slammed right into it forcing her load to fall out all over. She recovered and loaded everything back in and proceeded to her car. When she passed by me, I said to her "good thing that was a cart and not your car that hit that post!" She replied that she hoped no one saw her, but I said I had a front row seat and saw the whole thing! We both got a good laugh out of it.

    LOL! That's great, I'll keep that story in mind, thanks for the support :)
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    There was a post in the fitness section that had a list of YouTube videos in it for workouts. I think this is the one: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1193777-love-fitnessblender-any-other-similar-sites

    Thank you!!!!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Check out Fitness Blender on YouTube

    Great instruction for each exercise, as well as some hella tough challenge workouts.
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    Thank you!!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Why not just do it at home then?

    I want to be able to do it before or after my cardio, just so I can get the most out of my workout, and there is a large wooden floor space at my gym that no one uses that's specifically for that. But I think I'm going to practice at home for a week or two before I start going full-force in public ^.^

    The HIIT you're describing IS cardio. It's certainly not strength training.