Heart Rate Monitor users... I need help!

So, call me crazy but I didn't even realize that these existed until I started reading posts on here and I kept seeing the "HRM" acronym pop up everywhere. I thought, "what in the world are they talking about?". Now, after reading such amazing weight loss and fitness stories, I'm kind of thinking that I want to follow the crowd and join in the HRM club.

So, my questions to all of you knowledgeable people are:

1. Pros and Cons: is it really that useful or does it tend to be inaccurate?

2. What types of activities do you use it for? Do you wear it all day and it just counts up your calories burned? Or do you only wear it during exercise?

3. Am I safe to buy one of these from a Target or Wal-Mart type of place, or should I be looking into more high end? Basically, is the difference in price really worth the difference in product?

4. Are there any good, relativity well priced brands that you'd like to recommend?

Thank you for your help!!


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    1. Pros and Cons: is it really that useful or does it tend to be inaccurate? - Accurate when you use it for what it is intended for - a steady elevated heart rate

    2. What types of activities do you use it for? Do you wear it all day and it just counts up your calories burned? Or do you only wear it during exercise? Used for cardio - only during excercise w/steady elevated heart rate - not strength training (for all day get a fitbit or similar)

    3. Am I safe to buy one of these from a Target or Wal-Mart type of place, or should I be looking into more high end? Basically, is the difference in price really worth the difference in product? - Get one with the chest strap shouldn't matter where you purchase it

    4. Are there any good, relativity well priced brands that you'd like to recommend? Polar is very highly rated

    I thought I really needed one too - I never use mine. I don't do a whole lot of cardio though.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Only use it for aerobic activity, as that's what it's designed for. I found mine to be pretty accurate and very useful. I lost the strap shortly after I bought my second one, though, and they're so expensive I didn't bother replacing it. One of these days, I will.

    Polar is probably the best brand. It's a bit more pricey but most accurate. You can find those at Walmart or Target but you might find one cheaper on Amazon or some other similar site. Definitely get one with a chest strap.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    1. Pros and Cons: is it really that useful or does it tend to be inaccurate? - Accurate when you use it for what it is intended for - a steady elevated heart rate

    2. What types of activities do you use it for? Do you wear it all day and it just counts up your calories burned? Or do you only wear it during exercise? Used for cardio - only during excercise w/steady elevated heart rate - not strength training (for all day get a fitbit or similar)

    3. Am I safe to buy one of these from a Target or Wal-Mart type of place, or should I be looking into more high end? Basically, is the difference in price really worth the difference in product? - Get one with the chest strap shouldn't matter where you purchase it

    4. Are there any good, relativity well priced brands that you'd like to recommend? Polar is very highly rated

    I thought I really needed one too - I never use mine. I don't do a whole lot of cardio though.

    I agree. It just depends on how you use it. HRM's are good for cardio a Fitbit or something similar is good for all day use. I have both.

    Here is a website that has really decent prices. I have a polar ft4.

  • Yep_imchicbad
    Yep_imchicbad Posts: 66 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 with a chest strap. I wear it for cardio and weight lifting to keep track of my calorie burn, so I know if I should be eating more or less as I lose weight. I found its helped me a lot in building muscle and dropping fat, to continually adjust and calculate my macros as I progress.

    45 bucks at Sears.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I love mine. It's an older Polar. I use it to count calories burned, and that's how I gauge when I'm done with cardio...I'll set a goal of 300 calories on the elliptical, for example, and I don't stop until I reach it, regardless of time. I find it motivating to try to outdo my last workout by decreasing the time, or increasing the caloric burn.

    There are some newer gadgets to consider as well. If you want all-day calorie burn estimations, there are fitness monitors like Fitbit and Vivofit. If you have a smartphone, you can get just a chest strap that communicates with apps on your phone, like the Polar Wearlink strap with apps like Endomondo or Runkeeper. Just make sure that the strap uses the right kind of bluetooth for your phone.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    YES, it really is useful for several reasons, I feel:
    1) Tells you if you are working as hard as you THINK you are (most people tend to overestimate their effort and/or calories burned)
    2) Tells you how many calls burned so you can decide to "eat back" all or half or whatever works for you; but remember that if you use MFP plan for weight loss you SHOULD be eating your calories BACK as there is already a deficit accounted for you even for days you do not exercise.
    3) Data is SUPER motivating, for me, anyway!!! Polar (not sure if all models) HRMs also send data to a website where you can see graphs, etc. Other brands likely do the same.

    Use it for cardio: walking, running, biking (I don't do much), videos/classes, etc. The one I have has a setting for strength training and a variety of other activities, but most HRMs are not so great (bc they are not meant to be) for weight lifting. Mine gives me fair values for what I do, so I am happy.

    POLAR... all the way. GREAT for beginners! Like $50-$60 will do. MUST have a chest strap. These are not available at WM or Target, to my knowledge. Shop online for deals and look for coupons...www.heartratemonitorsusa.com

    ONLY wear it for exercise. Activity monitors (FitBit, Jawbone UP, Polar Loop, Garmin Vivo (?)... these are what you want if you want to wear something all day & night to guesstimate calls burned/distances/sleep). I use one and a HRM. I like gadgets, though.

    I look forward to wearing it every time I workout!!
  • xfrlss22
    xfrlss22 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I've had a few different ones and as most people have already said, they're accurate if you use them for what they're intended for. My favorites are Polar, I have the FT7 with chest strap and a Fitbit. I use the Polar for weight training, cardio, and hiking so I know how much I'm burning. A lot of times it feels like you're burning more than you are or you may think you aren't burning that many calories so it is good to have the heart rate monitor to check. Also, I use my Fitbit for everyday things, like when we moved, going to the zoo, etc. Hope that helps!
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I really love my Polar H7 and Polar Beat app and use it every workout I do, I don't know how totally accurate any HRM is in regards to calories but I only tend to eat back half my calories anyway, what it does for me is the tracking aspect of it all and trying to beat previous targets and goals really helps keep me focused, and being able to go on to the Polar web sites and see your entire exercise diary and even relive some of your workouts such as runs or walks which are shown on your local maps is pretty cool.
  • sushidulces
    sushidulces Posts: 69 Member
    I have the Polar FT4 and I adore it! I was the opposite of most people and heavily underestimating my cals burned. When I tried to maintain a 1200 cal diet, my cal expenditure during a run or Insanity was close to 500. I felt tired all the time and weak. After seeing how many cals I burned, I knew it was time to up my cal intake for the day.

    I also find it very motivating. On days I have the "lazies", I will tell myself, Ok, burn 300 cals and that will be good for the day. I can see my effort in the calories burned reflection. It also helps keep me from over exerting myself. Before, during Insanity, I would go so hard I would start to get light headed. After getting a HRM I saw I was letting my heart rate get near 190!

    All in all, for someone like me who had very little knowledge of anything exercise related, the HRM has been a very helpful tool. I got mine on Amazon for $50 :)
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    1. I find it to be pretty accurate. At least it has my data, whereas the calorie burn on many exercise machines, MFP etc are generic. (height, weight, age, sex)

    2. I walk/run (inside on treadmill, outside as well), use it with my exercise bike...any aerobic workout No, don't wear all day long, strap it on before exercising, remove it, rinse it, hang to dry afterwards.

    3. I got mine off eBay new in box. I believe the ones with chest straps are more accurate than just the wrist band/watch versions.

    4. I have a Polar FT7, believe it was under $60 shipped when I got it.

    I don't find the strap uncomfortable or the watch, I've had to replace batteries in both pieces once (they are inexpensive, got mine off eBay as well). I was looking at the FT4 but found a deal on the FT7 so went with that unit instead. I also have & wear 24/7 my Fitbit Force which I find extremely motivating (am a couch potato)
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    If you are doing steady state exercises they are very accurate. I had a new balance n4 before it shorted out. I loved it and used it a lot when I was doing a steady rate of exercise.
  • sshields1975
    sshields1975 Posts: 22 Member
    I have the Polar Ft4 and love it. It is accurate in keeping track of the calories burned, better than the machines total. I also like that it show's your heart rate so you know how hard you are actually working. I highly recommond it for cardio. I use it while doing strength so I can keep track of all the calories burned that day to see how much more I can eat. It's a good investment.
  • Thank you everyone!! This is great information!