=( Help.....Oh the horror!!! >__<



  • candacedarnell
    You seem to have skipped around from fad diet to fad diet...but how long have you just picked something and stuck with it? Two, three, or even four weeks isn't enough time. Weigh your food, lift heavy weights (check out stronglifts or starting strength), stay in a deficit. And then just have patience. A lot of patience.

    My patience maybe whats killing me. I have so many friends, including my hubby, who just shed pounds by eating extremely low calories and working out. My husband lost 20 lbs in 2 months from eating 1200 calories in 2 months and keeps it off. I guess that's what gets to me. Your right, i need to stay consistent and lift more. Thanks!
  • candacedarnell
    What was your TSH, Free T4, Free T3? Sometimes normal is not optimal. Read everything you can on thyroid disease, you will be surprised as some doctors are still using the old scale. Also visit the thread on this site.

    I am going to have them check those three. We usually get a call from the doctor and they say "normal" or "ab-normal", not really in depth results via phone, so I have no Idea what the exact levels of each are. I will have them check all next week.

    Also, ask for your Thyroid anti-bodies to be checked. If you have other symptoms of Thyroid issues (there are a million, but Google is your friend here, or talk to mom), and your labs are "normal" you can still have problems ... a lot of old school doctors and Endocrinologists follow the "manage to the lab results" motto and you need to find a doctor who manages to the symptoms.

    Of course, the rest of the advice given so far is good about weighing and whatnot.

    Will do! Thank you for the help!
  • candacedarnell
    Lower your carbs...raise your protein....

    What are some good low carb snacks? I am walking around different buildings everyday and can't take perishable items with me in my pocket.

    Nuts and roasted chickpeas are a couple things you can portion out and have with you. I've recently fallen in love with roasted chickpeas. :smile:

    I'll have to try them!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    You may want to see an endo for the lab work and have them do a full work up. My thyroid kept coming up normal when my primary did the test, but when the endo did it and it had jumped up, she was able to look at a pattern of how it shifted AND she also found that my problem wasn't just my thyroid, I also have insulin resistance (something the lab work my regular doctor orders would have never discovered since the test for it is not on a standard blood panel). My endo put me on meds for both and with the thyroid meds she actually has me on a higher dose to get my levels down to the lower side of the normal range rather than having them be just normal.
    So you may have more than one contributing factor going on. For me my fight isn't just with the thyroid issue, I also have to deal with the IR too and to be able to lose I have to have my food and exercise working for both of them and it's a slower path now, but at least I know what to do and can take the steps to have everything work in conjuction to lose weight.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Hey have you measured yourself lately? You may not see the number on the scale go down but you may see numbers on the tape measure go down, just a thought too. Good luck!
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    Thank you for your service.

    My daughter ships off to Parris Island Sept 22 and her recruiter has told her how important it is that she remains at her weight, not only when she enlisted back in Feb, but also on ship out date, plus they will weigh every few months. I am not military so I don't know if this is true or not, so I'm wondering, do you have access to a dietician? Someone that could help you plan some meals, look over your foods and give good suggestions for your job and activities you do? I'm wondering since you are on your feet so much, maybe your just not eating enough for your body? I know its hard to judge because you're not allowed to wear trackers such as the body media which would tell you what your daily burn is.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Couple of thoughts - you said you weigh everything, which is great. Do you use the listings for YOUR foods and make sure they match? Sometimes the listings for brand name products are just plain wrong or maybe the formula has changed which can throw things off. A couple days ago I see you logged Subway for lunch but then put McDonald's, two cookies in. Did you get cookies at Subway or McDonald's? If you got them at Subway, their cookies are higher in calories than the McDonald's cookies. Go to the Subway website to get the NI.

    Also, I've noticed that manufacturers of products are sometimes allowed to provide the NI for a product and exclude the calories from fiber. You see this especially on the 100 calorie, high fiber type of foods. Those 100 calorie Arnold thin? By using the carb/fat/protein numbers are actually closer to 120 calories but they are allowed to label them at 100 calories because they omit the calories from fiber. I noticed that on your veggie burgers they were WAY off - it showed 220 calories but if you use the macros to calculate calories, they actually come to 264 calories.

    Yeah, these numbers may not seem like much, but can add up to 100+ calories per day. Also, if you don't weigh the pre-packaged items, sometimes they may weigh more than a serving size. Usually it's not off by much, but that could also add even more calories to your day.

    If you're off just 250 calories per day on average, that's enough to keep you from losing 1/2 pound per week. Sodium shouldn't matter if it's your normal intake levels.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Weigh your food. This is actually quite common. If you are not weighing your food, more often than not, you're eating more than you think.

    Invest in a food scale, weigh your food, log it.

    And also read: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants


    Your caloric intake (if accurate) seems too low with the workouts that you are doing. Read the link above and set your intake accordingly and stick to it for 6 weeks before evaluating.
  • candacedarnell
    Hey have you measured yourself lately? You may not see the number on the scale go down but you may see numbers on the tape measure go down, just a thought too. Good luck!

    I have a personal trainer and I measure myself every two weeks and the only numbers that are going down are my thighs and hips because of how much cardio I am doing. I am lifting light to tone but nothing else is moving.
  • candacedarnell
    Thank you for your service.

    My daughter ships off to Parris Island Sept 22 and her recruiter has told her how important it is that she remains at her weight, not only when she enlisted back in Feb, but also on ship out date, plus they will weigh every few months. I am not military so I don't know if this is true or not, so I'm wondering, do you have access to a dietician? Someone that could help you plan some meals, look over your foods and give good suggestions for your job and activities you do? I'm wondering since you are on your feet so much, maybe your just not eating enough for your body? I know its hard to judge because you're not allowed to wear trackers such as the body media which would tell you what your daily burn is.

    I just seen a dietitian this morning actually and they told me that I could probably go down to 1700 calories and eat less carbs. I am scared of feeling hungry lol Once I feel hungry before the gym....I feel weak and I feel like not going or its never a good session because I am thinking about food lol. I did honestly wonder if I wasn't eating enough.....
  • candacedarnell
    Couple of thoughts - you said you weigh everything, which is great. Do you use the listings for YOUR foods and make sure they match? Sometimes the listings for brand name products are just plain wrong or maybe the formula has changed which can throw things off. A couple days ago I see you logged Subway for lunch but then put McDonald's, two cookies in. Did you get cookies at Subway or McDonald's? If you got them at Subway, their cookies are higher in calories than the McDonald's cookies. Go to the Subway website to get the NI.

    Also, I've noticed that manufacturers of products are sometimes allowed to provide the NI for a product and exclude the calories from fiber. You see this especially on the 100 calorie, high fiber type of foods. Those 100 calorie Arnold thin? By using the carb/fat/protein numbers are actually closer to 120 calories but they are allowed to label them at 100 calories because they omit the calories from fiber. I noticed that on your veggie burgers they were WAY off - it showed 220 calories but if you use the macros to calculate calories, they actually come to 264 calories.

    Yeah, these numbers may not seem like much, but can add up to 100+ calories per day. Also, if you don't weigh the pre-packaged items, sometimes they may weigh more than a serving size. Usually it's not off by much, but that could also add even more calories to your day.

    If you're off just 250 calories per day on average, that's enough to keep you from losing 1/2 pound per week. Sodium shouldn't matter if it's your normal intake levels.

    Wow I didn't think of that! Thank you! I just drains me because I shouldn't have to do all of this science to lose weight. I should just be able to eat clean....burn more than I eat and wahlaaa! Butttttt No! My body has to be difficult. The cookies I did get from McDonalds....its that time of the month and wanted something sweet ;) . I figured if I burned so much from zumba and weights that going over 100-200 cal, one or two days, from my normal caloric intake it would still give me weightloss. I guess I'll have to go this route. Thanks for your help as well!