Where's my Miami People!!!

elyuma Posts: 11 Member
Hi everyone.

My name is Yunis and I live in Miami. Like most everyone here, I love food and I have an office job. so that mean I had no activities at all.

I'm 5'8 and got to a maximum of 245 pds when i decided that i have to do something about it. Then my cousin introduced me to Mountain biking and I love it since then. I got my bike on October 2013 and ride it for a month due to the time change. In that month i lose 20 pounds and just doing 3 miles with rest time in between.

Started again in March 2014 and so far i'm doing 5 days a week. From 3 miles, now I'm doing 8 miles non-stop. I"m surprised how my body is being getting stronger.
I started tracking my calories again because i got stock on 215 for couple of weeks and after doing research i find out that i was not eating enough. today is my second day tracking and lose another pound. So far is going in a good direction.

anyways, that's a little of my background. Trying to meet new people to get motivated or maybe i can motivate other as well.

If you are in Miami area and want to join me, feel free to contact me :-)