What would you do in this case?

Sorry if this has been asked a thousand times like pretty much every other question on these forums :laugh:

First off, here's me
161cm / 5'4ish...:wink:
58.3kg / 128lb

I have lost about 13kg (28.6lb) through diet alone (1300 calories give or take 100 for the past 4 months), and I'm almost at my goal weight of 55kg (121lb). I'm happy so far and definitely feel better about myself.

But.. Quite a lot of this weight loss was probably muscle as I've noticed a significant loss of strength and still feel somewhat "pudgy".

Considering my height and weight, a BMI calculator suggests that I could get down to 52kg and still be a healthy weight. I want to get rid of this excess fat, but I also want to build more muscle mass/strength.

Should I get down to 52kg and THEN start lifting weights? Or should I start lifting now on a calorie deficit? Would that even do anything? Keep in mind that I am... not tall.

Any advice is appreciated :bigsmile:


  • bunnerfly
    bunnerfly Posts: 197 Member
    Just because you lift weights doesn't mean you're going to look like Arnie Schwartzenegger in his hey day. Pretty sure I spelled his name wrong... Anyhoo, if you are worried about muscle loss, eat more, lift more. You'll be fine.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You do not accidentally get a body builder's physique from lifting weights. It takes years of training, proper nutrition, and the explicit intention of gaining muscle.

    Start lifting weights now.
  • EvanElric
    EvanElric Posts: 34
    Just because you lift weights doesn't mean you're going to look like Arnie Schwartzenegger in his hey day. Pretty sure I spelled his name wrong... Anyhoo, if you are worried about muscle loss, eat more, lift more. You'll be fine.

    Cheers. (: I'm not worried about about looking like arnie though :laugh: although that would be awesome.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Start lifting now. I'm losing weight, but also looking to start strength training very soon as well in collaboration with my efforts.
    Now that you're almost to you goal weight, I'd slow down and choose a .5/1lb a week option, and up your calories. You'll need fuel to build muscle.
  • GymTennis
    GymTennis Posts: 133 Member
    Start lifting absolutely .. Choose a sound program based around the basic compound movements, I see far too many guys doing forearms and biceps curls.. Ease in though, don't get injured.. Maybe you could even raise your calories to maintenance..Rest and sleep enough, drink a lot of water.. Just start lifting