No More Excuses -- Week 48



  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Well yesterday wasn't too bad getting on the bandwagon again until the 4-H party held here. There was candy and popcorn balls everywhere. UGH!!! Oh well, baby steps, I joined the gym yesterday and worked out so there is a start!

    Have a great Saturday!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Welcome back Amanda, you can do this, like you said, baby steps. And welcome to all the new members.

    Completed week 3 of C25K. Not looking forward to week4. I think I am going to do Bob's Boot Camp level 2 today. Decided to switch it up.

    I was only down 0.2 pounds yesturday. Had a slack eating day yesturday - not so much on the food, but drank the beer. Today I am going to splurge a bit on nachos and cheese at some point today, my little splurge item for the week.
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hello everyone.

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend. Beautiful weather here in NC. Doing well with eating, just seem hungry all the time! Need to find filling, low cal/fat foods instead of using up a lot of calories/fat at once. Exercise still okay - hard to get in with the baby. Husband still working about 12-16 hours a day. Thankfully, my older daughter has been helpful. I've got a test Monday - it's hard stuff. All about research in the educational field. No chance to really study with the baby. My husband is coming home early tomorrow so I can get in a couple of uninterrupted hours. Just thought I'd check in. Take care.

    Amanda - glad to see you're getting back on track. Thanks for the compliments on baby Kenza. She's a sweetie!

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Did level 2 of Biggest Loser Boot Camp today and burned 469 calories. It has been ages since I did it, and I really enjoyed it.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Send me those weigh ins.

    For those that get down on weigh ins. Yesterday at 3 pm, I weighed 9 pounds more than I weighted this morning. (I was a little freaked at the time) I must have been retaining a gallon or more of water.

    That was of course following a sodium fest of back to back meals of chinese and mexican food. (been naughty on the weekends)
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    Okay. I'm in.

    Starting weight (as of October 3) was 148.6.

    Weighed in last week at 148.8.

    I weigh myself first thing Monday mornings (keeps me accountable on the weekends) so I'll have that number off to you first thing tomorrow.

  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    i've worked so hard this week. yes... i had a cupcake and a few bites of cheesecake... but i also spent 5 hours at the gym. excited but nervous for tomorrow's weigh in. really hoping to see 235! that would be 20lbs. and my first mini goal :)
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Monday...I'm down another pound today. I had my yard sale on Saturday and did pretty good. I made a little over $100 and got my office cleaned out. Granted a lot of it is in my car waiting to be donated today, but at least I can see the walls in my office lol. We had our family picnic at the Pink Beds on Sunday and I ate way too much food. Then we took a 5 mile hike and walked for about three hours. I thought I would be heavier this morning but I'm not so the hiking must have helped. I have Zumba today at bootcamp, which is not my favorite. I spend most of my time trying to get the moves rather than exercising. We have cardio every day this week. We will be doing kick boxing one day, which I think I might enjoy. Tomorrow they are coming to put on our new metal roof. I am so excited to get it done. Hope you all have a great day.
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning.

    My weight came in at 146.8! I am so happy!!!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    sooooooooooo close to 20! my scales were all over the place though... so I may have actually lost more than 1.3. we'll see throughout the week! Weighing in at 235.3!
  • tigermom79
    Good morning!!! My weigh in is not whoopy but good old TOM!!!! YUCK!!!! Oh well....I am determined to stick it out!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Well since I just joined back in and sent Jack my starting weight that was Friday I didn't weigh myself. Today has been a really good day except the kids have the stomach flu so I wasn't able to go to the gym after work. I need to go get on the WII I guess!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I did it! 46 minutes on the WII burnt 184 calories, I will take it!